Decoding Blockchain Layers: Layers 2 & 3. Part 2: The Real World Applications
369X Exchange
Published in
8 min readMay 15, 2024

In the first installment of our series, we examined the bedrock of blockchain technology — Layers 0 and 1. These foundational layers establish the basic operational framework and ensure the security and integrity of blockchain networks.

However, as we scale these systems to meet growing demands across various sectors, we encounter inherent limitations in scalability and transaction speed.

This brings us to the exciting realm of Layer 2 and Layer 3 technologies. In this second article, we delve into these advanced layers, which are pivotal in transforming blockchain from a nascent technology into a robust, scalable, and efficient system.

These enhancements not only address critical scalability challenges but also enable the practical, real-world applications that make blockchain technology a transformative tool for industries worldwide.

Layer 2 — The Off-Chain Solution Layer

As blockchain technologies strive to achieve mass adoption, the scalability issues of Layer 1 become a significant bottleneck. This is where Layer 2 solutions come into play, offering a vital enhancement by handling transactions off the main blockchain, thereby boosting speed and reducing transaction costs without compromising the underlying security.

Defining Layer 2 Solutions

If one were to think of Layer 1 of a blockchain like a main highway — capable of handling a lot of traffic, but susceptible to congestion as the number of users grows — then Layer 2 solutions can be likened to express lanes or a network of side roads that relieve pressure from this main highway.

These express lanes allow for faster and more efficient travel — i.e., transaction processing — without the need to expand the main highway itself. Layer 2 solutions are thus secondary frameworks or protocols that sit atop an existing blockchain (Layer 1).

By handling transactions off the main chain — in these express lanes — and only settling final results back to the main road, Layer 2 significantly reduces the load on Layer 1. This setup allows for quicker and cheaper transactions, while still maintaining the robust security of the underlying blockchain.

By offloading routine transactions to these side roads, the main blockchain highway remains less congested, making it more scalable and efficient. This mechanism is crucial for blockchain networks that aim to support high volumes of transactions and a growing number of users without compromising on speed or cost.

Types of Layer 2 Solutions:

  1. State Channels: A type of Layer 2 technology, state channels allow multiple transactions to occur between parties off-chain, with the blockchain only engaged at the start and conclusion of the transaction series. This is ideal for situations where participants need to perform numerous transactions swiftly, like in gaming or high-frequency trading scenarios. One notable example is the Lightning Network for Bitcoin, which facilitates instant, low-cost payments.
  2. Sidechains: These are distinct blockchains that are connected to the main blockchain via a two-way peg, allowing assets to be securely transferred between the main chain and the sidechain. This setup helps in scaling because sidechains can operate with different parameters, such as block size or consensus mechanism, tailored for specific needs without overloading the main chain. The Liquid Network is a prominent example, providing faster Bitcoin transactions and enhanced privacy features.
  3. Rollups: Rollups process and store transaction data on a sidechain, but post transaction data back to the main chain. There are two primary types: Optimistic Rollups and Zero-Knowledge Rollups. Optimistic Rollups assume transactions are valid by default and only run computation, and thus incur costs, in the event of a challenge. On the other hand, Zero-Knowledge Rollups provide cryptographic proof of correctness, allowing for secure, scalable transactions. Ethereum’s Optimism and Arbitrum are examples of Optimistic Rollups, whereas zkSync operates as a Zero-Knowledge Rollup.

Real World Examples

  • Lightning Network on Bitcoin: This state channel solution has significantly increased Bitcoin’s transaction capacity. It enables transactions that are not only faster but also cheaper than what could be achieved directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. This has particularly been beneficial for microtransactions, where high fees on the main chain would otherwise be prohibitive.
  • Arbitrum and Optimism on Ethereum: These Optimistic Rollups have been instrumental in scaling Ethereum’s capacity by handling transactions off-chain while ensuring the security properties of the Ethereum mainnet. They have gained significant traction by reducing gas fees and improving transaction throughput, which has been crucial for DeFi applications.

Layer 2 solutions are pivotal in blockchain’s evolution — and as these technologies mature, they will be crucial in enabling blockchain to support high-volume, high-speed applications across diverse sectors.

Layer 3 — The Application Layer

This layer is often referred to as the application layer because it represents the interface where the foundational and operational innovations of Layers 1 and 2 become accessible and practical.

It’s akin to the user-friendly facade of an app on your smartphone, which hides the complex code behind it and makes technology easy and intuitive to use.

Through Layer 3, the complex, underlying blockchain technology is translated into usable applications that people can interact with daily, from trading cryptocurrencies and securing loans to playing games and voting in decentralized platforms.

Layer 3 is crucial because it’s the point at which blockchain technologies meet real-world use cases. It brings the technical robustness of the blockchain (the structural integrity of the building) to the forefront in a form that is accessible and beneficial for the everyday user (the residents of the building).

This layer not only enhances user interaction but also ensures that the innovations developed in the underlying layers reach the public in the most efficient and user-friendly manner possible.

Functionality and Integration

At Layer 3, the abstract and technical complexities of the blockchain are encapsulated into user-friendly applications. This layer leverages the underlying protocols and scalability solutions provided by Layers 1 and 2 to deliver users a seamless and responsive experience. Whether it’s managing financial assets through DeFi platforms, playing decentralised games, or interacting on social media platforms without central oversight, Layer 3 applications make these possible.

Real-World Applications

  • Financial Services: Platforms like Uniswap and MakerDAO offer decentralised exchange and lending services, respectively, operating atop Ethereum. These applications allow users to swap tokens, provide liquidity, and borrow against their crypto assets without needing traditional financial intermediaries.
  • Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): These are fully automated, blockchain-based entities that are governed by the rules encoded into smart contracts. An example is the DAO for Compound, a protocol that lets users earn interest or borrow assets against collateral.
  • Social Platforms: Decentralized social media applications like Steemit or Voice operate on blockchain to offer users control over their data and the ability to earn cryptocurrency for content creation and curation.

Development Environment and Tools

Developers building applications on Layer 3 benefit from a variety of frameworks and programming languages designed to interact with smart contracts and blockchain protocols. Tools like Truffle Suite for Ethereum offer environments for testing and deploying smart contracts, while languages such as Solidity are used to write the contracts themselves.


Despite these tools, developers face several hurdles. The immutability of blockchains means that once a smart contract is deployed, correcting mistakes can be complicated and sometimes impossible without significant forethought and governance mechanisms in place. Security is also a primary concern, as vulnerabilities in smart contracts can lead to substantial financial losses, highlighted by events like the DAO hack in 2016.

Layer 3’s success is tightly linked to the robustness and efficiency of the underlying layers, and as innovations continue to evolve in Layers 1 and 2, Layer 3 applications become more sophisticated and widely applicable, paving the way for a future where blockchain-based solutions are as ubiquitous and essential as conventional applications today.

Interoperability & Future Prospects

As blockchain technologies mature, a significant emphasis is being placed on interoperability — the ability of different blockchain systems and their respective layers to interact and integrate seamlessly.

This capability is crucial for creating a more cohesive blockchain ecosystem where diverse platforms can exchange information and value without friction.

Innovations Enhancing Interoperability

  • Cross-Chain Bridges: These are protocols designed to facilitate the transfer of assets and data between different blockchains, enabling a more interconnected network. For example, Polkadot’s parachain structure allows various blockchains to communicate and share security features, significantly enhancing interoperability.
  • Layer Aggregation Protocols: These protocols combine the strengths of multiple layers to optimise functionality. Cosmos, for instance, uses a hub-and-spoke model to connect various blockchains through the Cosmos Hub, which acts as the central point of interoperability, allowing distinct networks to communicate.

Future Trends and Advancements

Looking ahead, the focus will likely intensify on developing solutions that can bridge not only different blockchains but also various Layer 2 solutions, facilitating seamless interactions across the entire blockchain spectrum.

We can anticipate advancements in protocol development that will further minimise the complexities of cross-chain transactions, aiming to enhance user experience and expand use cases.

Moreover, as these technologies evolve, we could see a greater fusion of AI and blockchain, where machine learning algorithms help manage the interoperability of complex systems, optimising the routing of transactions and smart contract interactions across diverse platforms.

This integration promises to make blockchain operations more efficient, secure, and scalable, poised to revolutionise industries by enabling genuinely decentralised, cross-platform applications.

Pioneering Future Innovations with 369X

As we have explored, blockchain layers are instrumental in addressing the fundamental challenges of scalability, efficiency, and functionality in blockchain systems.

Each layer, from the foundational protocol layer to the innovative off-chain and application layers, plays a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of blockchain technology.

This stratified architecture not only solves critical technical issues but also unlocks new possibilities for diverse applications.

The dynamic evolution of blockchain technology is a testament to the industry’s commitment to refining and advancing these solutions.

As platforms like 369X continue to harness the almost limitless potential of blockchain advancements, they position themselves at the vanguard of a movement poised to revolutionise not just finance but various sectors by eliminating friction through trustless solutions.

By understanding these innovations, you can better appreciate how they contribute to a broader, more efficient blockchain ecosystem and how pioneers like 369X are shaping the future of a more decentralised world. Sign up and experience next generation trading today!

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