Mastering Crypto Safety Part 2: Navigating and Neutralising Threats in Crypto
369X Exchange
Published in
10 min readMay 1, 2024

In the first part of our series, ‘Mastering Crypto Safety,’ we explored the diverse landscape of scams within the cryptocurrency world and the necessary measures to protect against them.

As we continue to navigate this dynamic and often volatile frontier, the focus shifts from recognising external threats to understanding and fortifying the internal defences that safeguard digital assets against these risks.

The necessity for robust security measures cannot be overstated. Cryptocurrencies, by their digital nature, are susceptible to various sophisticated threats that can compromise everything from individual wallets to entire exchange platforms.

In this instalment, we delve deeper into the technical vulnerabilities that these digital assets face and the cutting-edge strategies employed by platforms like 369X to mitigate such risks.

This continuation of our series underscores the critical importance of advanced security protocols that not only react to incidents but proactively prevent them.

By enhancing our understanding of these protective measures, investors and users can better appreciate the rigour and dedication required to maintain a secure and trustworthy crypto environment.

Understanding Technical Threats

As the crypto market evolves, so do the strategies employed by malicious actors looking to exploit digital assets. Understanding these technical vulnerabilities is essential for protecting investments and maintaining trust within the blockchain ecosystem.

Overview of Common Security Threats

Blockchain technology, while inherently secure due to its decentralised nature and cryptographic foundation, is not without its flaws. The most significant vulnerabilities often arise from the very features that make blockchain innovative:

  1. 51% Attacks: This type of attack occurs when a single entity gains control of more than half of the computing power on a blockchain network. With such control, the attacker can interrupt the recording of new blocks by preventing other miners from completing blocks, potentially allowing for the reversal of transactions to double-spend coins.
  2. End-Point Security Flaws: While blockchain itself is secure, the interfaces that users interact with are not always. Wallets and exchange platforms can have software vulnerabilities or may fall victim to phishing attacks that jeopardise user security.
  3. Code Exploits in Decentralised Applications: As applications built on top of blockchains, DApps can contain security vulnerabilities in their code which can be exploited to cause considerable damage, similar to traditional software applications.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts automate transactions and enforce agreements digitally. They are programmed to execute automatically when certain conditions are met, reducing the need for intermediaries and increasing efficiency. However, their benefits also bring specific vulnerabilities:

  • Reentrancy Attacks: A famous example is the DAO attack, where a recursive calling vulnerability was exploited, allowing the attacker to drain funds repeatedly.
  • Integer Overflow and Underflow: Smart contracts that handle arithmetic operations without proper validation can be vulnerable to overflow and underflow attacks, where values wrap around the maximum and minimum limits, leading to unintended consequences.
  • Timestamp Dependence: Some contracts rely on the block timestamp as a trigger for executing actions. Miners can manipulate timestamps to a certain degree, which can be exploited to influence smart contract actions.

Innovations Enhancing Smart Contract Security

In response to these vulnerabilities, the crypto community and security researchers have developed several innovations to strengthen the security of smart contracts:

  • Formal Verification: This mathematical process validates the code governing a smart contract by proving or disproving the correctness of the algorithms underlying the contract concerning a certain formal specification. It is akin to proofreading a legal document for loopholes.
  • Security Audits and Bug Bounties: Many platforms now incorporate comprehensive security audits and bug bounty programs as standard parts of their development process. These practices encourage white-hat hackers to find and report vulnerabilities, which can then be fixed before they are exploited.
  • Upgradeable Contracts: To address the immutability of smart contracts, some platforms implement upgradeable contracts through proxies, allowing for bug fixes and improvements without losing the state of the original contract.

Understanding and mitigating these technical vulnerabilities are crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of blockchain applications. By continually enhancing the security protocols and practices surrounding blockchain and smart contracts, the crypto community can safeguard assets against even the most sophisticated attacks.

Strengthening Exchange Security

Crypto exchanges are pivotal in the digital asset ecosystem, serving as the primary gateways for trading cryptocurrencies. However, their central role also makes them prime targets for cyberattacks. Understanding the security challenges these platforms face and the measures needed to mitigate risks is crucial for maintaining user trust and asset integrity.

Challenges and Solutions

Security Challenges Faced by Crypto Exchanges:

  1. System Intrusions: Hackers continually devise new methods to penetrate exchange security systems to access user funds and sensitive data. These intrusions can be through phishing, exploiting software vulnerabilities, or social engineering tactics.
  2. Insider Threats: Employees with access to critical systems can pose a significant risk if their credentials are compromised or if they act maliciously.
  3. API Exploits: Many traders use APIs to connect their trading bots with exchanges. If not properly secured, APIs can become gateways for attackers to access accounts and manipulate trading.
  4. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: These attacks overload an exchange’s infrastructure with massive amounts of traffic to disrupt service, potentially leading to market manipulation.

Case Studies of Historical High-Profile Hacks

Past security breaches in the cryptocurrency world offer crucial lessons on the potential vulnerabilities of crypto exchanges.

These incidents not only demonstrate the types of attacks that can occur but also highlight the catastrophic consequences of inadequate security measures.

By examining these case studies, we gain valuable insights into the importance of stringent, proactive security protocols to prevent similar attacks in the future.

Reflecting on Past Incidents

  • Mt. Gox Hack (2014): Once the world’s leading Bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox lost approximately 850,000 bitcoins in 2014, valued at about $450 million at the time, due to what was believed to be a combination of security lapses and possibly internal fraud. The magnitude of this loss exposed significant vulnerabilities in the operational and security practices of crypto exchanges. The fallout from this incident led to the bankruptcy of Mt. Gox and had a lasting impact on the cryptocurrency community, spurring major reforms in exchange security practices. It also catalysed regulatory bodies around the world to consider more stringent regulations for crypto exchanges to protect consumers.
  • The DAO Hack (2016): The Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO), designed as a venture capital fund on the Ethereum blockchain, was exploited for $50 million worth of Ether due to vulnerabilities in its smart contract code. This specific exploit, known as a reentrancy attack, allowed attackers to repeatedly withdraw funds before the transaction could be registered as completed. The severity of the attack and the significant amount of funds involved led to a contentious decision to execute a hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain, restoring the stolen funds to the original owners and resulting in the split between Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC). This event not only demonstrated the potential technical risks in smart contract design but also sparked a substantial debate within the crypto community about the philosophical implications of immutable transactions versus the need for intervention in the face of significant exploits.
  • Axie Infinity Ronin Network Hack (2021): In one of the largest thefts in decentralized finance, hackers exploited a vulnerability in the Ronin network — an Ethereum sidechain developed specifically for the Axie Infinity game. The attackers managed to withdraw over $620 million by compromising the network’s validators. This breach underscores the importance of robust security measures in sidechain environments, particularly those serving niche applications like gaming. It highlighted the risks of relying on a limited number of validators and the necessity for diverse and decentralised security protocols to prevent similar exploits.
  • Wormhole Hack (2022): This incident involved the Wormhole network, a prominent DeFi bridge facilitating transactions between the Ethereum and Solana blockchains. Hackers exploited a flaw in the portal’s validation system for cross-chain transfers, resulting in the theft of 120,000 wETH (Wormhole Ether) valued at approximately $320 million. The Wormhole hack sheds light on the complexities and potential vulnerabilities of cross-chain bridges, emphasizing the need for stringent, multi-layered security strategies. This includes comprehensive audits and enhanced monitoring systems to detect and respond to anomalies in real-time, ensuring the integrity of cross-chain transactions.

Lessons and Current Practices

The sobering experiences of the DAO, Mt. Gox, Axie Infinity, Wormhole et al. have been pivotal in shaping the security strategies employed by today’s cryptocurrency exchanges.

These events have spurred the adoption of enhanced cryptographic security measures, regular and rigorous security audits, and the implementation of best practices in operational security.

They serve as stark reminders of the necessity for continuous vigilance and adaptive security measures in the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency trading.

Critical Developments in Crypto Security

  • Enhanced Cryptographic Measures: The industry has intensified its cryptographic defences, adopting more complex algorithms to fortify security against both brute force attacks and sophisticated cyber threats.
  • Standardisation of Security Audits: Regular and rigorous security assessments by independent third parties have become a standard practice, helping to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities effectively.
  • Adoption of Best Practices: There is now a stronger emphasis on secure coding practices, thorough code reviews, and incorporating security at every stage of the software development lifecycle.
  • Operational Security Enhancements: Exchanges and other platforms have bolstered their operational security through strict access controls, real-time monitoring, and robust incident response protocols.
  • Diversifying Validation Protocols: Increasing the number and security of validators to prevent single points of failure.
  • Enhancing Code Audits: Employing rigorous and continuous code reviews, particularly for smart contracts and cross-chain transaction protocols.
  • Implementing Real-Time Monitoring: Establishing comprehensive monitoring systems to detect and respond to security breaches as they occur.

Learning from the Past

These past incidents have underscored the importance of a holistic approach to security, combining technology with stringent operational procedures to safeguard against potential breaches. As a result, the industry has not only improved its defensive capabilities but also its resilience, adapting swiftly to new challenges.

Advancing Cybersecurity Technologies

As the cryptocurrency sector matures, the evolution of security technologies is crucial in mitigating the risks associated with digital assets. Innovations in blockchain security not only aim to enhance protections but also reshape the landscape of trust and security within the industry.

Emerging Security Technologies

  • Quantum-Resistant Blockchains: Quantum computing presents a significant threat to traditional cryptographic security systems due to its potential to break encryption algorithms currently in use. Quantum-resistant blockchains are being developed to counter this future threat by employing post-quantum cryptographic algorithms that can withstand attacks from quantum computers. This advancement is pivotal in ensuring that blockchain technology remains secure as quantum computing becomes more accessible.
  • Ricardian Contracts: Bridging the gap between legal enforceability and digital agreements, Ricardian contracts represent a hybrid approach where the contract terms are both human-readable and machine-readable. These contracts are designed to function within the blockchain ecosystem, ensuring that the terms of agreements are clear and legally binding while also being automatically executable via smart contracts. This integration enhances the security and trust in digital transactions by making them transparent, compliant, and enforceable.

Potential Impact on Crypto Security

These cutting-edge technologies are set to revolutionise how security is approached in the crypto space:

  1. Enhanced Resilience Against Cyber Threats: By implementing quantum-resistant algorithms, the blockchain secures its longevity against emerging technological threats, ensuring that user assets and transactions remain protected even as computing power grows exponentially.
  2. Legal and Technical Convergence: Ricardian contracts provide a robust framework that supports the legal validity of blockchain transactions. This convergence of technical reliability and legal robustness fosters a safer and more stable environment for both individual investors and institutional participants.
  3. Broadening Trust: As these technologies mature, they contribute to broadening the trust base of the cryptocurrency market, attracting more users and investors who might have been sceptical about the security and legal aspects of digital transactions.

By continuously advancing security technology, the crypto industry is not only addressing current vulnerabilities but is also preparing for future challenges.

These innovations signify a step towards a more secure, legally compliant, and resilient digital asset ecosystem. As we implement and refine these technologies, they promise to significantly enhance the integrity and trustworthiness of crypto platforms and transactions.

369X’s Proactive Approach to Security

At 369X, we recognise that the foundation of user trust is built on the security of their assets and personal data. Our comprehensive security protocols are designed to provide robust protection against a variety of threats in the crypto environment.

Detailed Security Protocols at 369X

  • KYC Procedures: To ensure the integrity of our platform, 369X implements rigorous Know Your Customer processes to verify the identity of our users. This helps prevent fraudulent activities and ensures compliance with global regulatory standards.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: We require MFA for all user accounts, adding an essential layer of security that protects against unauthorised access.
  • Cold Storage of Assets: The majority of digital assets are stored in cold wallets, which are disconnected from the internet and, thus, significantly less susceptible to hacking and other cyber threats.
  • Regular Audits: To maintain transparency and trust, 369X undergoes regular financial and security audits conducted by third-party firms. These audits help us identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities promptly.
  • Bug Bounty Program: We actively engage with the cybersecurity community by offering rewards for reporting vulnerabilities in our system. This program not only helps strengthen our platform but also keeps it ahead of potential threats by harnessing the expertise of global security researchers.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

369X is committed to continuously enhancing our security measures. We stay abreast of the latest security advancements and regulatory changes to ensure that our defences are always aligned with, or exceeding, industry standards.

Our proactive approach involves regularly updating our systems, training our staff on the latest cybersecurity practices, and engaging with leading security experts to foresee and mitigate potential threats.

Simplifying Complexity

At 369X, we simplify the complex world of cryptocurrency trading. Our platform is designed to handle the intricacies of security so that you don’t have to worry. Sign up today at and experience how much easier and safer it is to trade and manage your digital assets.

Embark on your crypto journey with us and transform how you interact with digital finance — where we worry, so you don’t have to!

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369X Exchange

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