Stablecoins: The Keystone of Tomorrow’s Financial Ecosystem
369X Exchange
Published in
9 min readApr 18, 2024

A New Paradigm

While crypto might offer extraordinary opportunities for reimagining how a global economic system might look, this new form of currency comes with its own set of challenges, chief among them being volatility.

The prices of cryptocurrencies can swing wildly within short periods, making them a risky investment and a less reliable medium for everyday transactions.

Enter stablecoins, a novel category of cryptocurrencies designed to offer the best of both worlds: the innovation and flexibility of crypto with the stability of traditional money.

Stablecoins are tokens pegged to more stable assets like fiat currencies (e.g., the US dollar, Euro) or commodities (e.g., gold), aiming to maintain a consistent value over time.

By combining the benefits of digital currencies (such as faster transactions and lower fees) with the stability of fiat currencies, stablecoins have the potential to enhance global financial inclusivity, streamline international money transfers, and democratise access to financial services.

In this way, stablecoins not only solve a fundamental problem within the crypto space but also lay the groundwork for a more integrated financial landscape, something that aligns strongly with our philosophy at 369X.

The History and Evolution of Stablecoins

The concept of stablecoins emerged as a response to the significant volatility observed in the prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Early market participants recognised the need for a digital currency that could retain a stable value over time, facilitating smoother transactions and acting as a haven against crypto market fluctuations.

The first stablecoins were introduced in the early 2010s, with the goal of mirroring the value of the US dollar or other fiat currencies.

Since then, the stablecoin market has expanded rapidly, evolving to include various models of stabilisation and backing, reflecting a growing demand for stable digital currencies in both the crypto market and the broader financial landscape.

Types of Stablecoins

Stablecoins can be broadly classified into three categories based on their mechanisms for maintaining price stability, each with its own unique approach to achieving it in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

Firstly, Fiat-Collateralised Stablecoins stand as the most straightforward and reliable manifestation, where stability is achieved through the backing of each stablecoin unit by reserves of fiat currency.
Examples include USDT (Tether), USDC (USD Coin), and BUSD (Binance USD), which are generally backed by a combination of cash reserves and treasury bonds, managed by reputable custodians.
These reserves maintain a strict 1:1 ratio with the stablecoin, ensuring each digital token is supported by a tangible asset. The reliability of this model is further enhanced by regular audits and transparency reports, which provide users with the assurance needed to trust in the stablecoin’s value.
This method effectively counters the volatility seen in the broader cryptocurrency market, making these stablecoins a dependable medium for transactions and savings.

Moving to Crypto-Collateralised Stablecoins, the approach to stability might appear counterintuitive at first glance due to the volatile nature of the crypto assets backing them.
However, this category achieves stability through over-collateralisation and the use of smart contracts. By holding reserves that exceed the value of the stablecoins issued, these stablecoins create a buffer that absorbs fluctuations in the market value of the reserve assets.
Examples of this category include DAI, which utilises Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies as collateral, and sUSD, part of the Synthetix ecosystem.
Smart contracts play a crucial role in this mechanism by automatically adjusting the reserve holdings to ensure the stablecoin’s value remains pegged, despite the volatile conditions, and the decentralised approach instills a high degree of security and trust among stablecoin holders.

Lastly, Algorithmic Stablecoins present the most innovative and, arguably, the most complex stability mechanism. These stablecoins do not rely on physical reserves.
Instead, they employ complex algorithms to adjust their supply in response to changes in demand, mimicking the methods central banks use to control national currencies. This innovative approach seeks to maintain stability purely through market dynamics, without the need for tangible backing.
Despite their ingenuity, algorithmic stablecoins have encountered significant challenges, particularly during extreme market conditions that underscore the complexities and risks inherent to this method.
For example, the Terra ecosystem’s UST faced de-pegging issues primarily because its value was solely maintained by an algorithmic method that adjusted its supply in response to demand fluctuations.
However, when confidence waned and sell-off pressure increased, the algorithm struggled to maintain the peg, leading to a catastrophic failure in its stability mechanism.

As such, Hybrid Stablecoins, such as FRAX, represent an innovative response to these challenges. These stablecoins incorporate elements of both crypto-collateralisation and algorithmic formulas to offer a balanced approach.
The hybrid model leverages the security of tangible asset backing, like crypto-collateralised stablecoins, which provides a more reliable foundation of value. Simultaneously, it employs algorithmic mechanisms to adjust supply based on demand, similar to purely algorithmic stablecoins.
This dual approach is designed to mitigate the risks seen in the Terra UST scenario by ensuring that even if the algorithmic adjustments face pressure, the underlying collateral provides a fallback mechanism of stability.


Furthermore, beyond fiat and crypto-collateralised stablecoins, there exists a category of Commodity-Collateralised Stablecoins.
These tokens, including Tether Gold (XAUT) and PAX Gold (PAXG), are pegged to the value of tangible assets like gold or silver, offering an alternative standard of stability.
For instance, with XAUT and PAXG, one token is equivalent to one ounce of gold, and each token is backed by a physical store of gold. This ensures that its value is grounded in a tangible asset, marrying the traditional value of precious metals with the efficiency of blockchain technology.

Centralisation vs. Decentralisation

Beyond their stability mechanisms, stablecoins also differ in their governance models, categorised into centralised or decentralised systems.

Centralised stablecoins like USDT, USDC, and BUSD are managed by specific entities who ensure their stability and reliability through the reserve assets mentioned previously.

In contrast, decentralised stablecoins, such as DAI and FRAX, adopt a decentralised governance model that leverages blockchain technology to enable a distributed network of stakeholders to participate in decision-making processes.

This approach utilises smart contracts to execute governance decisions automatically, allowing changes to the protocol or adjustments to stability mechanisms based on collective voting or consensus mechanisms among holders.

This use of technology not only supports operational transparency and security but also aligns with the principles of decentralisation, offering a robust system where control and oversight are distributed across the community rather than centralised in a single authority.

Bridging Traditional Finance and Crypto

Stablecoins not only offer a potential solution to the volatility inherent in the cryptocurrency market but also play a critical role in linking the traditional financial system with the rapidly evolving world of digital currencies.

By drawing on the stability of fiat currencies and harnessing the efficiency of blockchain technology, stablecoins achieve a harmonious blend of the benefits associated with both domains.

This unique position enables them to pave the way towards a more inclusive and interconnected financial landscape, facilitating a smoother transition for individuals and businesses from conventional finance to digital asset exploration.

Their consistent value proposition presents a less intimidating entry point for those hesitant about the high volatility typically associated with cryptocurrencies, while also enabling instant, low-cost international transactions, sidestepping the fees and delays that plague traditional banking systems.

Thus, stablecoins emerge as an ideal medium for conducting transactions, managing savings, and facilitating remittances on a global scale.

The Role of Stablecoins in the Crypto Ecosystem

Within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, the utility of stablecoins extends further, proving integral to its functioning and growth. They serve as a crucial intermediary in trading, allowing participants to swiftly move in and out of positions without needing to revert to fiat currency.

This capability not only accelerates transactions and diminishes fees but also helps maintain liquidity and market activity within the crypto space.

Moreover, the predictability of stablecoins renders them perfect for digital payments, benefiting both merchants and customers with the stability and immediacy of transactions.

This predictability is especially valuable in the DeFi sector, where stablecoins form the foundation of lending platforms, permitting users to borrow or lend assets with confidence, secure in the knowledge that the value of their collateral or loans will remain stable.

The advent of DeFi as a transformative development in finance, offering decentralised financial services beyond the scope of traditional banking, underscores the pivotal role of stablecoins.

Acting as mediums of exchange, measures of value, and stores of wealth, they empower innovative financial applications like automated market makers (AMMs), yield farming, and liquidity mining, thereby opening new avenues for users to generate returns on their digital assets.

Enhancing Global Financial Inclusivity

One of the most profound roles of stablecoins is their potential to enhance financial inclusivity on a global scale.

Approximately 1.7 billion adults worldwide lack access to traditional banking services, either due to the absence of banking infrastructure or the prohibitive costs associated with maintaining a bank account.

Stablecoins, accessible via smartphones or internet-connected devices, present a viable solution to this issue.

With lower transaction fees and no need for currency conversion, stablecoins like USDT, USDC, and DAI simplify and democratise access to global financial transactions, embodying the principles of inclusivity and efficiency.

By facilitating transactions that are not only faster and cheaper but also accessible to anyone with an internet connection, stablecoins have the potential to integrate untapped populations into the global economy.

This democratisation of financial services empowers individuals with tools for savings, investments, and secure transactions, irrespective of their location or socio-economic status.

What’s Next?

The diverse roles and stability mechanisms of stablecoins not only underscore their importance in bridging traditional and digital finance but also hint at their potential to redefine financial transactions.

As stablecoins continue to evolve alongside regulatory frameworks, their applications are set to expand, possibly becoming a standard for digital transactions across both the crypto market and traditional financial systems.

The potential for stablecoins to facilitate global trade, remittances, and even government disbursements points to a future where they could significantly transform the financial landscape and lay the groundwork for fully digital economies.

In essence, as stablecoins evolve, they are poised to play a pivotal role in the broader acceptance and integration of cryptocurrency into everyday life and global commerce, heralding a new era of financial transactions.

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape with Solutions and Collaboration

Of course, as digital finance becomes more widely adopted, increased attention will underscore the importance of balancing innovation with the imperatives of financial stability, consumer protection, and adherence to anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations.

While regulatory landscapes vary across jurisdictions, creating a complex tapestry of laws, the focus shifts towards harmonising these regulations to foster a conducive environment for stablecoin projects.

Embracing Uniform Standards as a Path Forward

Of course, while this journey towards regulatory clarity and consistency is not without its challenges, it also presents an opportunity to establish uniform standards for stablecoin issuance and operation.

This includes rigorous reserve management, comprehensive audit requirements, and robust consumer protection mechanisms. Such standards will not only enhance trust and security within the stablecoin ecosystem but also serve as a foundation for innovation.

Moreover, recognising stablecoins as potentially systemically important financial institutions opens a dialogue on tailored regulatory frameworks that ensure stability while allowing for operational flexibility.

Shaping a Friction-Free Financial Future with 369X

At 369X we’re dedicated to breaking down barriers in the financial system, making it more accessible for the many, not just the few.

The ability to integrate stablecoins into our platform is a step towards offering users everywhere the means to transact and participate with ease and security, leveraging their potential to provide seamless, secure, and inclusive financial services.

At 369X, we’re not just participating in this financial revolution; we’re leading it and, by adopting regulatory best practices, we aim to ensure that our platform remains a trusted and secure environment for all users.

Join us in moving towards a future where financial empowerment is a reality for all, defining a new era of inclusive and efficient finance. Sign up today at

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