The best things we’ve heard in a while …

Tara Dagostino
38th Street Studios
5 min readJan 30, 2018
Photo by / Pexels

Looking for a little inspiration? We’ve got you covered. The team at 38th Street Studios has come together (once again!) to compile some of our favorite videos and podcasts. From motivational messages, tutorials and educational videos, we’ve got something that everyone will find useful — either on the job or in life in general. Enjoy!

Kenneth Clay — Cofounder and CEO / 38th Street Studios

“I am a fan of the MFCEO podcast. He is super aggressive and raw. However, what I like most about him is that he is true to himself and really talks about the truth about the hardships of building a brand and starting a business.”

Stuart Casarotto — Software Developer and Cofounder / 38th Street Studios

“For a long time in high school I was addicted to TED talks; I subscribed and watched every single. I have always been addicted to learning new things and the array of diverse topics on TED only fueled my addiction. This TED talk is my all-time favorite and I enjoy watching it every single time.

It inspires me on so many levels. I am very environmentally minded in general, so obviously this played well for me. I often feel like I do a really bad job listening because I jump to my answer so quickly. There is a power in silence all the way down to the pauses in a discussion. Thinking about how powerful not speaking is changed my perception of ways of working with others, especially with my teammates and co-workers.”

Mark Hoffman — VP of Analytics and Cofounder / 38th Street Studios

“I’d highly recommend the lectures taught by Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas. They have three parts with 21 lessons that are geared towards teaching state of the art concepts in artificial intelligence and deep learning as it applies to computer vision, natural language processing, and structured data problems. It’s aimed towards any general coder who wants to pick up deep learning skills. I think it would be incredibly useful for anyone in a data science or back-end engineering role.

I find them incredibly useful, not only because the lectures are very practical and the theory is easily applied, but they have built up a very active learning community around the platform. As opposed to many other courses out there that are focused on theory, this course puts you directly in the driver’s seat; they allow you to drive the race car on the first day while picking up what makes it function along the journey.

Also, as an honorable mention, Rachel Thomas has a computational linear algebra course that is related to these lectures. These help with more understanding of the intersection of math and good computer science practice in terms of algorithm efficiency which help augment understanding from the deep learning lectures mentioned above.”

Lauren Santee — VP of Marketing / 38th Street Studios

Marketing Over Coffee is one of my favorite podcasts — hands down. This podcast covers everything from presentation skills to AI for marketers, and everything in between. The fact that John and Christopher meet and record each episode in a café makes it a fun and light-hearted way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. They’ve basically set up each 20-minute episode to feel like a casual, out of office conversation … which is awesome. I’d recommend downloading a few shows a month and listening to them on your way to work.”

Jesse Nagelberg — Creative Director / 38th Street Studios

“I would recommend Aaron Draplin’s series about Logo Design on I found it useful because Aaron does a great job at stressing simplicity. He also displays an interesting old school Midwestern aesthetic which I can relate too growing up in the suburbs of IL. I would recommend it to any graphic designer as it has a strong message of balance within design, which all artists should have a great understanding of.”

Tara Dagostino — Digital Marketing Specialist / 38th Street Studios

“A few years ago I really got into graphic design. The best introductory course I found was Graphic Design — An Overview of the Field on Udemy by Mason G. The course is not free, but I think it is well worth the $10 price. He doesn’t go into the specifics of how each individual example is created, but he does explain the foundations of good design. Covering the ins and outs of logos, packaging, posters, book covers, motion graphics, websites, annual reports, environmental graphics, and editorial design, this course will give you a taste of it all. I’d recommend this course for anyone interested in either getting their feet wet or trying to get some inspiration for their next project.”

We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on your go-to videos that you would recommend to anyone. Leave a message in the comments below!

