The Story Behind RCMS Software

Lauren Santee
38th Street Studios
3 min readFeb 5, 2019

Two years ago, 38th Street Studios was approached by Kathi Holst, CEO of RCMS, with an idea to revolutionize the construction industry. Frustrated with the inefficiencies brought on by the endless paperwork and tracking processes inherent in the construction space, Holst wanted to provide a solution to companies looking to streamline processes and drive the efficiency of time-keeping, personnel and fleet management, accounting and purchase requisitions. With the creation of RCMS Software — a cloud-based CMS — Holst has been able to help construction companies standardize, digitize and automate back-office processes.

The company RCMS was established in 2013 after Holst retired from her more than 30-year run in the traffic safety industry. Upon retiring from her role in a contractor-based organization, she launched a consulting firm (RCMS) to lend her expertise to stakeholders in the industry. Currently, her client base consists of contractors as well as investors who look to participate in the space. Over the years, she has sponsored the development of technological tools that are useful in the contracting space when assisting contractors in raising their infrastructure platform and creating an ability to grow their business in a scalable way.

Since its development, RCMS Software has helped to solve many industry issues, including cutting down on wasted resources.

“Due to the regulatory nature of the construction industry and the inherent need to track rental devices, as well as revenue and personnel who spend most of their time on the road, the amount of paper that firms in this space generate is astronomical,” Holst explains. “Automation of the tracking systems, from payroll and inventory to material purchasing and equipment rental is critical to operations as well as scalable growth, both organically and through green-field operations. RCMS Software has been developed to enable firms to maintain their important levels of data tracking in a more efficient manner, while also keeping administrative headcount down.”

While Holst explains that the challenges of implementing the RCMS Software are relatively few, she did note requiring a new level of buy-in from the field to be a minor roadblock.

“As with any new initiative, change is not always a welcome feature,” says Holst. “Many of our crew members have been performing their record-keeping duties such as timesheet compilation and work order submittals manually for so long that they were hesitant to try out our new approach during the pilot. This high-tech system was seen as a bit intimidating. However, the system is so user-friendly that a simple training course put minds at ease. The industry will soon wonder what they ever did without it!”

Ensuring uniform terminology and systems automation from business to business has also presented itself as a minor difficultly during the implementation process.

When it comes to the future, RCMS’s is looking bright. The long-term vision of the RCMS Software is to raise the level of sophistication in a firm’s infrastructure and allow for growth, both organic and bolt-on, without the need to implement new systems.

When asked about the future of RCMS Software, Holst responded:

“There is no doubt that RCMS Software will help contractors build significant enterprise value by creating efficiencies, allowing the organization to become lean, and raising the level of sophistication through the use of technology. This system will become the new standard of operations in the industry, and we look forward to leading that charge.”

