Tools the 38th Street Studios Team Uses to Stay on Top of it All

Tara Dagostino
38th Street Studios
3 min readJan 4, 2018
Photo by William Iven / Unsplash

Working in a start-up requires grit, talent, and time, as resources are spread over few people, making you wear multiple hats at once. Along the way you’ll gain some pretty solid time management skills, and end up learning way more than you ever thought you could about an industry. During this journey you’ll discover different tools and strategies that are essential to your success as an individual and as a company, making your work more efficient, agile, and up-to-date. After all, in the world of start-ups, everyone is trying to break out of the sea of sameness and stay on top. For this blog, I’ve gathered the preferred tools each of our team members use on a daily basis to stay on task and motivated, no matter the project or challenge thrown at them.

Kenneth Clay — Cofounder and CEO / 38th Street Studios

“Weirdly enough my go-to resources are Twitter and LinkedIn. I get to keep a close eye on our clients, the industry, and trends. On LinkedIn, I get to connect with clients and people in the industry that have similar networks, which also helps build connections and resources. I like to use any app inside the G-suite, as well.”

Stuart Casarotto — Software Developer and Cofounder / 38th Street Studios

Sublime is a text editor I code in daily. Previously I was using Coda which was really nice for providing a built in FTP. However, as we started to move to local development, this feature became less important. After moving to sublime I don’t think I could ever go back. Sublime not only is incredibly lightweight and fast, but has a great open source community around it. Even after working with Sublime for months I am still finding small features I am so impressed with.”

Mark Hoffman — VP of Analytics and Cofounder / 38th Street Studios

“One tool that I use all the time is Jupyter Notebooks. It is an interactive programming environment that allows for fast prototyping of code. Jupyter Notebooks allows for extremely easy and clean sharing of code along with the appropriate output along the way so that others can reproduce your work with ease. I use it for testing code before deploying many of our projects, and I also use it to create and validate predictive models before they are put into production.”

Lauren Santee — VP of Marketing / 38th Street Studios

“For me, Hootsuite is my go-to resource for content management. The UI is great, and the ability to build teams and share the workload is extremely convenient. Staying up-to-date with industry trends is a must, so I try to read at least one major article a day. As of late, my favorite blog resources are Moz, HubSpot and Kissmetrics, but I also really like the daily newsletters from Digital Doughnut and Buffer Social.”

Jesse Nagelberg — Creative Director / 38th Street Studios

“Adobe Illustrator. This software is second to none when it comes to designing with precision. I value consistency and mathematics (such as precise grids) in all my designs. With Adobe Illustrator any artist is able to set up an artboard with parameters like these in mind. It is also great for producing any scale of digital visuals for any and all clients.”

As for me, Google Sheets is my go to. I use it to stay organized and on top of the multiple projects I have going on at once, as well as organizing content and dates for blogs such as this one. The most important feature is its collaborative nature: I can be working on a document, and my teammates can make live edits on the fly. As an added bonus, it saves the multiple rounds of saved versions directly, freeing up extra hard drive space for other projects I may have. I can have everything in one place, wherever and whenever I need.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on the go-to tools you can’t live without. Shoot us an email or leave a message in the comments below.

