Vision, Inspiration & Conversation: The Story Behind The Modern Domestic Woman

Lauren Santee
38th Street Studios
3 min readMar 27, 2018

When our team was approached by Elizabeth Rago, syndicated columnist and freelance writer, about building a website and brand for The Modern Domestic Woman, we knew it was going to be a great project. Elizabeth came to our team energetic about her online community, excited to get things rolling, and most importantly, had a real mission and vision for her story.

38th Street Studio is thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with Elizabeth during her journey, and we wish her nothing but success as she continues to build her empire.

Hear from Elizabeth about The Modern Domestic Woman and the inspiration behind her growing community.

What is this mission of The Modern Domestic Woman, and what inspired you to create this community?

The Modern Domestic Woman came to life when I was writing for an editorial partner of the Chicago Tribune and All Things Girl, an Arts & Literary eZine created by Debra Smouse. After both publications came to an end, I had established such a lovely conversation on Facebook with readers that I knew this potentially powerful community couldn’t go away. So I purchased the url and the rest is history.

The mission is two-fold: to provide a space where women can feel safe and not judged, and also to provide content and stories that connect with women all around the world. Humor is a must at The Modern Domestic Woman, so our vibrant Facebook page is always hopping with conversation about anything from home decor to struggles like anxiety, the latest books we’re reading, pretty things like nature and fashion…

What inspired me? I’ve spent so much time trying to jam myself into a box that was like everybody else, but I never had peace with the outcome. There was so much negativity and snark in my news feeds, I reasoned if I put out into the world what I truly felt in my heart — humor, passion, love, a desire to build other women up and not shoot them down — my “tribe” would come.

What prompted you to reach out to 38th Street Studios for website design and branding?

I was extremely impressed with the A Step Above Dance Academy, Inc.(ASA) branding and website. I’ve worked with Shannon Clayborn (Studio Owner/Artistic Director of ASA) and I love her high standards and keen eye for business. If she was happy with 38th Street Studios, I knew I would be too. Referrals are a powerful testimony.

What aspect of your new website are you most excited about?

It’s clean and not cluttered. It’s easy to navigate. The 38th Street Studios team tapped into all the unique nuances that make me, me, yet never lost sight that I wanted to create a community for women all over the world. They designed a site that would invite all women to my space — and I’m thrilled to be the hostess of this digital international coffee klatch.

Who or what is the inspiration for your blog?

All the women I know and love are the inspiration for my blog. Nature is a huge inspiration. My mother plays a big role in what I write about because she molded me into the woman I’ve become today.

What is a favorite inspirational quote you live by?

“Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the ‘Titanic’ who waved off the dessert cart.” — Erma Bombeck

