A reinvigorated brand is bridging gaps

3ap — as agile as possible
3 min readJun 10, 2020

Realizing the obvious.

At 3ap we’ve always wanted to change the way people experience the world. We promise to improve our users’ lives with our work. In the past, we were immersed in delivering our promises — so much so that our appearance took a back seat. But when 2020 came around, we realized the obvious: There was a big gap between who we really are and how we are presenting ourselves to the world.

“When we started spending too much time explaining 3ap to people
we realized our old brand didn’t reflect who we are and what we do.”
Thomas Ogi, Client Partner and Member of Executive Board

A new brand identity is bridging this gap.

With a revitalized vigor to our brand identity, we started a journey with CHARLES BLUNIER & CO, a partner that speaks a simple language and transforms complex ideas into mind-blowing brands. They helped us realize what 3ap really stands for and where we are heading. After long and intensive workshops and deep analysis, the essence of our brand finally became clear. 3ap is a Swiss-made brand that stands for long-term credibility, class, relevancy, and adaptability for tomorrow.

From idea to reality. From complex to simple. From technology to humans: We are bridging the gaps.

Aleksandar Milošević, CEO and Founder

Our new logo.

The best solutions are often simple. The strength of a logo is in its ability to trigger a complex network of ideas and feelings. We kept the essence of our old logo and enriched it with new, modern energy and made it a keystone of our new identity. Anchoring on a single, special black color instead of the previous variation of green, we ensured consistency across all properties.

The old logo was disassembled into its individual parts and analyzed. Afterward, the main features were redesigned, reduced to the essentials, and reassembled. Our aim was to simplify the logo while maximizing the impact. Squiggles and disturbing elements were removed and replaced by geometrical stringency.

Our people are everything.

The component that really makes us genuine is our people. 3ap is our people and our people are 3ap. Therefore it was clear and crucial for us that they play a pivotal role in our branding communication. We captured moments in their working spaces and caught them showing their unique personalities, emotion, strength, and authenticity.

“We genuinely want to show the world who we are and what we believe in. Authenticity is our biggest asset.”
Simona Tomasi, People & Culture Officer and Member of Executive Board

We’re proud we did it.

When we decided to take back full control of our future with this rebranding, we also had the intention to inspire clients and (future) employees to be bold and creative. The process of clarifying who we are and what we stand for was very important to us. We believe that only a genuine brand identity can build bridges and lead to success. The whole process was a great learning experience. We took risks confidently and will continue to do so in the future.

As a first act, we completely redesigned our website, which went live in May 2020. Check it out: www.3ap.ch

We hope you will enjoy our new brand design as much as we do.



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