Somewhere in Switzerland (Yes, where 3BaysOver is from)

Practice Proper Netiquette

Pablo Retamal
Tourism Networking


Published on December 16, 2015 by our 3BaysOver User Mr. Rick Stoneking

If In Doubt, Check Things Out Before you hit the spam button, CHECK to make sure you aren’t hurting an innocent business owner!!

Before you hit the spam button, CHECK to make sure you aren’t hurting an innocent business owner!!

I’m glad Cadian Lawrence caught another scammer. She did it correctly, using proper netiquette. Something looked suspicious, so she checked it out. That’s one of the reasons I have not automated anything. I do everything manually even though it takes a lot of my time.

However, we should all be sure first, & not jump to conclusions based on a single contact we might have misunderstood. I already know what some are going to say: I don’t have time to check out every scammer that comes along. Really? You’re having that many? If you are having that many, you need to find out what “you”, are doing wrong that is attracting them.

How anyone can read my extensive profile & think I’m a scammer is beyond me, but it’s happened more than once. My account was shut down twice with no explanation given which tells me someone didn’t even bother to see if I was legitimate, they just hit the spam button.

That is horrendously poor netiquette & worse than being a scammer. Their laziness gets innocent business owners accounts shut down. Perhaps it isn’t laziness, but deliberate acts to shut down the competition here

LI needs to change their “it’s a secret” policy & not shut anyone’s account down without due process. When doing a rebuttal, they want you to tell them why it happened. I am tired of saying “I don’t know, you never told me why, or even notified me!”

Because the two incidents happened while I was going through some medical issues, my profile was unavailable for extended periods of time. That is why I have not become a Premium member. It’s bad enough having your account shut down, but to have it shut down and still be paying for it is totally unacceptable.

We should all follow Cadian Lawrence’s lead. And, If In Doubt, Check Things Out

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Pablo Retamal
Tourism Networking

Pablo is your friend. Interests include “everything,” with an emphasis on tourism or/and sustainable development. He prefers liking things to not liking things.