IllumiDesk Announces GPU Architecture in Open-Source Data Science Platform at Machine Learning Conference Atlanta

Greg Werner
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

Atlanta, GA — (September 15, 2017) — 3Blades, an open-source data science platform, today announced the availability of release of its powerful deep learning GPU processing feature at MLConf Atlanta, September 15, 2017, at the Academy of Medicine. 3Blades is investing in GPU architecture as GPUs significantly speed up the processing time for the most complex data sets used in deep learning models today.

“GPU processing is go-to-market sensitive since it works so fast and efficiently with the most complex data,” said Greg Werner, CEO, 3Blades. “Utilizing GPUs enables fast machine learning and deep learning (more commonly know as Artificial Intelligence) to create predictions in real-time; the real golden egg of data science.”

Data scientists and business analysts should expect data science flows to get smarter and faster as data sets get more complex across their networks. 3Blades approach offers guided services that enhance data exploration, building machine and deep learning models, and creating rich visualizations to tell an organizations’ story through their data.

Learn more at 3Blades CEO Greg Werner presentation “Productive Machine Learning and Deep Learning Projects” Friday, September 15 at 1:20pm at MLConf.

For more information about 3Blades at MLConf visit For more information about starting your data science project using a GPU visit and on GitHub

About IllumiDesk:

IllumiDesk, established in 2015, is an open-source data science e-learning platform that empowers data scientists, business analysts, and data engineers to collaborate and quickly teach and learn ML/DL/AI skills. The platform provides every organization a faster and easier way to benefit from their data. A primary value driver for the IllumIDesk data science learning platform is bridging the gap between educators and learners, making data science accessible to everyone, regardless of the company or team size. For more information visit

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