ETHDenver 2020 Recap

3Box Labs
3Box Labs
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2020


The 3Box team had an awesome time in Denver at Buidlweek and ETHDenver. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to the conference organizers and the 15 projects that built on 3Box during the hackathon; none of this would be possible without your dedication and support. We also hope that everyone who attended our Pre-Hack Social last Wednesday enjoyed yourselves. We look forward to hosting that event again at ETHDenver 2021.

Okay, now onto the good stuff — the winners!

3Box ETHDenver Bounties Winners

The quality of 3Box submissions this year blew us away. A combined 9 of 22 ETHDenver hackathon finalists across open and impact tracks used 3Box in their project. In other words, 41% of all finalists used 3Box! Here are the highlights.

3Box Best Overall: Secure My State

Secure myState demonstrates re-usable government/state services for identification, messaging, and document management, between people and their government offices.

Secure My State is a complete government services management platform for citizens and businesses that runs entirely on 3Box. Using threads, citizens could be notified of governmental alerts in their area and acknowledge they received the message by replying with a read receipt. Businesses could upload their official documents to their 3Box storage, where they could be shared with others. In addition to a super clean UI and well-thought out product that ran entirely on a p2p app stack, the team had done their research in government services and deeply understood the needs of users in the space.

3Box Most Social: High Priests

High Priests is a charity/impact focused hack where you can donate your DeFi interest to syndicated causes. They used 3Box for contributor profiles.

3Box Best Use of Storage: BTC Earn

3Box Best Use of Plugins: DMV Demolisher

3Box Best Low-Code/No-Code: Coz

The other finalists who built with 3Box



LedgerLocker, an open track finalist, is a protocol to earn revenue for your business off interest earned in Compound from deposits collected from your customers. They built an example demo of a decentralized Airbnb and used 3Box for storing home access permissions (after user purchase) and direct chat between hosts and guests.



Die Kitty Dai

Web3 x SAML

Panels, Presentations, and Podcasts

Joel Torstensson taught us all a lesson on the adventures of building browser apps with js-ipfs at Decentralized Networks Summit. At 3Box, we’ve learned so much over the last 2 years and we’re happy to share these learnings with the community. Towards local, offline-first, p2p user data management systems! It’s the web we deserve.

Rachel Black, developer relations lead, gave a workshop “Build Better with 3Box’s User Data Cloud” to help hackers build with 3Box at Decentralized Networks Summit and ETHDenver.

Michael Sena was on an ETHDenver panel, “I’m having an identity crisis” moderated by Taylor Monahan where the panelists discussed the many approaches to self-sovereign identity on web3.

Michael also got to catch up with a few podcast hosts during the weekend, which will soon be released. The first, with This Week in Crypto, has already hit the wire. Listen below.

See you next year, ETHDenver! 🏔

Made with 💙 in Denver.



3Box Labs
3Box Labs

Software for a more open, safe and collaborative web. We’re building Ceramic Network and IDX.