Introducing, 3Box Collectibles Gallery

Browse your digital collectibles, curate your favorites, and let your personality shine!

3Box Labs
3Box Labs
Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2019


Today we’re excited to announce that we’ve added support for digital collectibles on! Browse your entire collectibles gallery alongside the rest of your web3 profile and curate a few favorites for others to see. We believe that collectibles represent an important piece of a user’s aggregate web3 identity, reputation, and personality, and we’re proud to now offer them in 3Box profiles.

Explore your gallery on today!

Free 3Box Space Narwhal Kudos

To celebrate this epic launch, we’re giving away free 3Box Space Narwhal kudos to our community. To receive your special edition Kudos collectible, create your profile on and share your Profile URL here.

How Collectibles Work on 3Box

  1. Visit your profile on
  2. Browse and enjoy your entire collectibles gallery
  3. Choose three favorites to be displayed on your public profile
  4. Broadcast your personality and reputation throughout web3

Explore Your Gallery 🖼️

When you sign in to your profile on on desktop or mobile, you will notice that your collectibles have automatically been populated for you to browse and enjoy.

We get collectibles data from the public Ethereum network using the OpenSea API, which is the most popular way to get data related to ERC721 tokens. OpenSea supports most popular collectibles contracts including Gitcoin Kudos, SuperRare, KnownOrigin, CryptoKitties, Decentraland, and many more. However if you own collectibles in a contract that isn’t supported by OpenSea, those collectibles will not be displayed on at this time.

Gallery Section

The Gallery section displays every collectible that you own. From this view you can open a collectible and see its expanded view, or select favorites to be displayed on your public profile.

Browse the gallery

Expanded View

Open the expanded view to see a larger image and additional detail about your asset — including its official description, traits, properties, ranking, stats, and more.

See more detail

Choose Your Favorites 💙

In addition to visually browsing your gallery, you can also select your favorites to be added to your public profile. When others view your public profile, they will see your favorite collectibles alongside the rest of your profile information. By curating your favorites, you are curating your web3 personality!

See Mollie‘s profile and favorite collectibles here

Add to favorites

Free Your Personality and Reputation 🎉

Favorite collectibles are a critical piece of your identity and reputation on web3. In aggregate, collectibles represent your interests, your tastes, your communities, your achievements, your assets in various forms, and much more — but beyond that — when you select three from your collection to display on your public profile, you are curating what you would like others to think about you. In a sense, favorite collectibles represent your unique, distinctive personality.

Where can others see my favorite collectibles?

Your Public Profile on

When others view your public profile on, they will now be able to see your favorite collectibles, alongside your ethereum activity and profile details.

Visit your public profile, by heading to…youraddress/.

Or view the public profile of Mollie the 3Box Narwhal!

Collectibles on your public profile

Integration Partner Apps

3Box.js and GraphQL APIs
Third-party apps and integration partners can use the 3Box.js and GraphQL APIs to look up user’s profile information to display it in their app, so your profile and favorite collectibles can follow you around the web, adding value to your social interactions across all platforms.

Profile Hovers Plugin
We’ve also created a lightweight plugin that allows partner apps to replace user hex addresses in their app with social profile hovers containing social metadata with two lines of code. We haven’t yet added support for displaying favorite collectibles in the hover, but we will soon. If you’re interested in helping out with this feature, reach out on our Discord!

Additional Resources

Earn a 3Box Space Narwhal Kudos

  • Create a profile on, then share your profile URL HERE

A Few Places to Buy and Sell Collectibles

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3️⃣ 3Box provides distributed data infrastructure for web3. Integrate 3Box.js to instantly make your dapp more social, scalable, and human. Visit to create your profile or to dig into the code.



3Box Labs
3Box Labs

Software for a more open, safe and collaborative web. We’re building Ceramic Network and IDX.