💡What you can build with 3Box

Rachel Black
3Box Labs
3 min readMar 18, 2020


There are many things you can build with 3Box. But, if you are stuck for inspiration, we have a list for you:👇


COVID-19 Response

As the world tries to respond to the health, economic and social crises brought on by novel coronavirus, we think there are many things the web3 community could build that may be helpful. Here are a few ideas that depend on user-centric data.

🩺 Share COVID-19 status with others, while maintaining privacy

The crypto community at EthCC began a spreadsheet sharing their health status, so others they may have been in contact with can be informed. However, sharing on a google doc means that status and privacy is lost forever, and it also doesn’t scale. Use 3Box to store your status and share it with others, knowing you can remove permission or delete the info later.

🦠 Data collection from wearables for analysis or diagnostics

Use 3Box to store data in a private but shareable way. Stream info from your wearables that can then be shared with health centers or insurance companies to respond with information, advice and discounts.

👍 Incentives for social distancing

Stream GPS data to a 3Box space, which then examines how much you are moving (and how far from others playing you stay) and rewards users for keeping distance.

👩‍💻 Private, Censorship resistant remote communication

As more of the world moves to remote work, privacy-preserving tools for conferencing and communication are essential. Ghost Threads to provide peer to peer messaging, and an integration with Livepeer, WebRTC or Peer.js could be used for sound and audio.

🍿Distributed social entertainment

With so many people stuck at home, hanging out just got a lot more virtual. Rather than doing so through services like Facebook Portal who will use it to enhance their own social data and graph, do it on your own terms with web3 tech, including chatboxes from 3Box that can follow you across various entertainment and video sites.

🌎 Charity Fundraising platforms

3Box identities gives greater transparency for users and charities, and enable coordinated funding for response teams.

More ideas

Looking to get out of COVID mania? Here are some other ideas:

🔒 Encrypted messenger

Private and censorship resistant chat using our Confidential Threads API. You could build a messaging plugin that can persist across many apps, or a standalone app yourself.

⭐️ DeFi review site

Ratings and reviews for the DeFi industry. 3Box can provide storage with Threads or Spaces, and identity via Profiles.

💬 Messaging for DAOs

Including granular messaging between members. Use our Threads or Confidential Threads APIs for comprehensive messaging within DAOs.

🏃‍♀️ Decentralised fitness or sleep tracking app

Allow users to record their health data in an encrypted and sovereign way.

🎙 Chat functionality for smart contracts

Conversations where solidity developers and ethereum users need them. Use Threads or Chatbox.

📕 Distributed and sovereign blogging platform

Use Threads to store data. Enhance with our Comments Plugin.

📷 Decentralised photo sharing application

Photos can be stored on IPFS, Profiles and Threads APIs provide sociability.

🐦 Decentralised social media aggregation site

An application which saves tweets to 3Box. Building a twitter specific aggregation site. Can be enhanced with governance voting, tipping, NFTs etc.

🛠 3Box Integration on your favorite site

Familiar with a site that could benefit from a 3Box integration? Fork and improve open source projects.

🙌 A big thanks to everyone who helped crowdsource this list on twitter.

Have a cool idea or project? Share it on our Discord channel

