We Wont Be Fooled Again: Jill Stein, the Putin-Dinner-Lady is back to sabotaging Democrats.

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, is now boosting Cornel West, a spoiler candidate who is ready to hand Ukraine over to Vladimir Putin. Others have called her out for this.

Stein’s apologia for Putin
Oakland Socialist points out that Stein presents “the classic Putin apologist line…stressing how much we should fear nuclear war. This implies buckling to Putin’s saber rattling regarding nuclear weapons. She spent most of her time criticizing the US and no time explaining the crimes Russian troops have committed in Ukraine.”

But others are jumping on the “NATO NATO NATO” bandwagon and conveniently sweeping her earlier disruption of the liberal-democratic candidates and her facilitation of the rise of Donald J. Trump.

I won’t allow them to white-wash her ops which played right into the hands of the Russian operation to install Trump in the White House.


In late June 2023, she told CNN:

“I’m a transition coordinator helping his [West’s] campaign move from its previous People’s Party context into the Green Party and developing his team and the…

