Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits (3D IC) Technology

Aboli Joshi
3D ICs
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2021

Improvements to achieve using 3D-IC

There are many plus points to use 3D IC technology such as it provides reduced interconnect delays(R , L , C), higher clock rates .Then it also provides reduced interconnect capacitance(I/O pads), lower power dissipation, higher integration density may go heterogeneous, high bandwidth micro-processors.3D IC technology merges different process technologies, mixed materials, system integration and advanced focal planes.


TSV is a vertical electrical connection that passes completely through a silicon wafer. TSV are currently considered to be high performance interconnect techniques and primary purpose of TSVs is to create 3D ICs . They are used as an alternative wire bond and FC’s type .PSV increased density and importantly the length of electrical connection becomes shorter thereby providing a major advantage.

TSVs used in 3D packages including 3D ICs such as image sensors a 3D package contains at least two IC layered vertically so that they occupy less space and have better connectivity. The staff chips are wired together in traditional 3D packages , this wiring is located along the edges and thus increases physical size of the package. In addition, the wiring necessitates an extra layer between the chips labeled as interposer . The SV is replaced edge based wiring by making interconnections through the body of stacked the dice advantages is that resulting device is much smaller.

Concerns in 3D ICs

  1. Thermal issues in 3D circuits:
    thermal Effects dramatically impact interconnect and device relaibility in 2D circuits. Due to reduction in chip size of a 3D implementation, 3D circuits exhibit a sharp increase in power density. analysis of thermal problems in 3D is necessary to evaluate thermal robustness of different 3D technology and design options.
  2. Heat flow in 3D:
    Heat Flow in 3D With multi-layer circuits , the upper layers will also generate a significant fraction of the heat. Heat increases linearly with level increase. In heat Dissipation ,all active layers will be insulated from each other by layers of dielectrics , with much lower thermal conductivity
    than Si .Therefore heat dissipation in 3D circuits can accelerate many failure mechanisms.
Heat flow in 3D



Aboli Joshi
3D ICs
Editor for

Student at Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology