3 Ways 3D Printing Will Change Your Life

YOU get a 3D printer, and YOU get a 3D printer!

3D Printing Buzz


By @KalvinFadakar

Oh, printers. You accident-prone paperweights, you. You’re the one piece of technology that I can always rely on…to fail me in my moment of need. Sure, mankind can sail the 7 seas, land on the moon, even create those KFC sandwiches without the buns. But God forbid you do the one thing you were designed to do: PRINT. You’re the reason why Kinkos is a thing. [End rant] But as much as I hate printers, I know the 3D variety will attain the street cred the former was never able to achieve. How do I know this? Well, think about it: when was the last time a regular printer changed your life?


Reason #1: Laziness, Times 3

After a long day of (pretending to) work, all you want is a nice, warm meal—something that really hits the spot. But who has the time to cook? Yeah sure, the microwave helps. Take-out is an ok option too—usually not as healthy though. What about having a meal prepared for you by the 3D printer? You input the ingredients, and the printer does the rest. It’s like having a robot butler (named Charles), only not quite as cool.

And what about clothes? As a (super masculine and charming) guy, I hate shopping. Wouldn’t it be easier if you just inputted your measurements, chose a color, material, and design—then let the printer work its voodoo magic? The answer is yes.

Reason #2: Customized EVERYTHING

Everyone wants their own version of everything. Even the same iPhone everyone owns is customized through case, ringtone, wallpaper—even icon arrangement. 3D printers would allow manufacturers to easily modify orders based on the customized desires of the consumer. People would not only get what they want, but how they want it.

A great example of this is the Tintin rocket (Yes, I’m aware that you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, but gimme a sec to explain). A replica of the rocket was uploaded to Thingiverse, a site dedicated to digital designs for physical objects, and was quickly removed because of copyright infringement. That didn’t stop the 3D printing community though. Soon after, another user posted a similar design for a Christmas tree ornament based on the rocket. Next, someone else modified the idea so it could be illuminated, then redesigned it yet again so other users could personalize names or other text.

So if you think about it, it’s not just about replicating things, it’s about modifying ideas and making them even better than the last. Cool, right?

Reason #3: FUN

Right now, we’re conditioned to get software instantly—most notably on our phones/tablets. We see a commercial for an app, whip out our device, and download away. Instant. The next hour is then spent ignoring the (trashy) reality show we were watching, hypnotized by the most popular app of the week.

But what if instead of a software app, you could download software instructions? Think about it. You’re sitting there, watching the latest Shahs of Sunset, thinking to yourself, “why am I watching Shahs of Sunset?” and BAM—you see a commercial for the coolest, most awesome thing in the world: a thingamabob. You grab your phone/tablet, hop onto some sort of store—akin to an app store, and download your latest fascination. But now, it doesn’t stop there. Simply send the software to your 3D printer, and in no time, you have your very own thingamabob—right in front of you to play with. Yes, that is something to high-five about.


When it’s all said and done, the increased availability of instant hardware gratification will push supply chains to be faster and more efficient to adapt to consumer needs and expectations. In other words, for the things you can’t 3D print, companies will have to up their game, realizing that consumers will have a shorter tolerance for wait time.

Isn’t the future awesome?

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