5 Biblical Promises For When You’re Tested

Patricia Beesley-Riggs
6 min readDec 6, 2016

By Joseph Alexander

Have you ever felt like you’re being crushed but don’t know why? Perhaps you’ve had instance after instance where challenges seemed to pile on top of each other without explanation. Well there’s good news: it’s only a test and it’s one you can pass.

James tells us to consider it pure joy when we face trials of many kind for it is the testing of our faith that develops perseverance; perseverance is needed to run the race! (James 1:2–4) We might ask, “Why me God? Why now? Why this kind of test?” While you may not know why exactly at this stage in the testing, know that the answers will be made clear as time goes on.

In the meantime it is vitally important to be aware that The Lord intends for us to pass the test and has given us the means to do so if we lean into His strength and understanding. Here are just 5 biblical promises to encourage and strengthen you through this time of testing.

1.) God Is Always With You

Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. ~Deut. 31:6

Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. ~Isa. 41:10

As much as our friends and family love us, there will be times where we find ourselves isolated and out of reach from many. We’ll look around unable to find a familiar face or a helping hand. Although those may be the facts, we know there is a greater truth. Jesus is a Good Shepherd and His leadership is perfect! We can take comfort in knowing that He is always with us even when it doesn’t feel like it.

If we find ourselves isolated it’s probably because He wants to take away anything that can distract us, even good things; He wants our undivided attention because He has something to share just between friends. Since He never leaves us we can easily turn to Him and dialogue as easy as a friend would; that’s what He’s looking for.

You might say, “I already knew that God’s always with me.” That may be true, but if you were honest with yourself would you say that you were living with great awareness of His presence? Remember, He’s after a deep friendship with us.

2.) Nothing Can Separate You From Christ’s Love

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, no principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~Rom. 8:38–39

Did you just read that? Are you thinking what I’m thinking?! No matter how difficult, tough, or painful your test is, it can’t take you away from Jesus’ love; that’s huge! You might say, “But I already knew that He would always love me.” That may be so. Ask yourself this question: When I’m met with a measure of resistance and difficulty how do I respond or react?

It takes at least some measure of understanding Jesus’ love to comprehend and appreciate that adversity isn’t strong enough to tear us away from His love. His love is like a roaring fire that never dies down, with a heat so intense and a light so bright. Going through the crushing circumstances of a trial or testing can’t take that away from us. His love is always available to us, even if we’re staring death in the face.

When things get tough do you find yourself pouting and giving into thoughts of despair? Or, do you find yourself turning to Jesus in your weakness and asking for His strength? Remember, there is wisdom in quickly yielding to adopt His ways rather than forging ahead with our own.

3.) He Is Always Faithful To Forgive You

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ~1 John 1:9

Sometimes we are chastened by The Lord because we did something that He doesn’t want us doing again. When it is made clear to us what that is we can immediately turn to Him and ask for His forgiveness. He has wide-open arms and a smile on His face, eager to receive us back from our own foolishness.

Other times, the test may be that He is holding His chastening in order to give us time to recognize our mistake and turn to Him in repentance. It is wisdom to recognize these moments when He gives us plenty of opportunity to turn back to Him before He decides that more intervention is needed.

4.) God Works Everything For Our Good

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. ~Rom. 8:28

“He works everything for our good? Everything?!” Yes. It’s true. It’s also true that we may not understand how certain situations or circumstances are being worked for our good but if you keep digging you will find gold. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith which means that He is the one writing our story; don’t you suppose He knows exactly how best to write it?

The trials, the testings and the pain; they’re all working for our good. “Our good?” Yes. Notice that it doesn’t say our pleasure or our enjoyment. It’s always painful to watch a piece of marble being chipped away at before we get to see the well sculpted masterpiece. Just because something can be painful doesn’t mean it isn’t good or isn’t from The Lord.

Our good will always mean that we are being sculpted and formed into the likeness of Jesus taking on His character and nature. An artist will sometimes have a model to reference when creating their work of art. They will look back and forth inspecting the details of their handiwork aiming to mirror the original. Since we become what we behold it is important to see Jesus as our model and yield to His craftsmanship.

5.) His Grace Is Always Sufficient

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. ~2 Cor. 12:9

A simple way to think about God’s grace is to understand it as His divine empowerment. What is He empowering us for? He empowers us for righteousness. At a base level, that means He gives us the means to live rightly before His eyes. Going another level further, it means that we can carry out and run with what He has commissioned us for generally and specifically.

His power is perfected in our weakness. “But I thought he made us strong?” Yes, but His strength requires that we become voluntarily weak. Some people think of it like a glove; an intimate partnership between His hand and our yieldedness. Notice that I mentioned it is a voluntary weakness where we best experience His strength. Jesus even said during the sermon on the mount, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…”

Catching The Second Wind

It isn’t easy going through a testing of our faith. Sometimes the process can be grueling and extremely painful. We may even find ourselves seemingly isolated and set apart without much understanding of why. This, my friends, is not the time to get distracted or discouraged; this is the time to look up and catch the second wind of the race.

This is only a test and it is one you were intended to pass. Those who wait upon The Lord will have renewed strength! Keep your eyes on the fire in His eyes. You will walk and not grow weary; you’ll run but not faint. Just knowing that His Love is always with us and available to us should be enough of an encouragement! It’s stronger than the sandstorm you’re trying to navigate through; you can’t be torn away from it.

Even if there has been pain associated in your testing, it’s producing something of value in your heart. He’s giving you divine empowerment to re-focus and to keep running. Perseverance is needed to finish the race and it’s all yours if you simply ask.

Keep The Path In Sight

You may be in the fight of your life, and if you are then don’t give up! You’re a masterpiece in the making so allow Him to keep working on you. His grace is sufficient for this and future tests so keep your head up, eyes forward and feet moving; you’re going to make it.

