Blended Families

Patricia Beesley-Riggs
3 min readJul 21, 2016

A few months ago God gives to me a revelation about what I am going to call blended families. We know, for those that have read their bibles, that Jesus came from, shall we say, a long line of people that had troubled lives however HE is still called and will always be called the Son of David. Many families have gone through hurtful things such as divorce or the death of a parent.

Matthew 2:20

What I was shown was that Jesus was raised here on earth by a stepfather whom loved HIM as his own along with his other children. Then, on the day that Jesus, our Lord and Savior, was hanging on the cross HE gave to HIS mother John, therefore, Mary now has a stepson. If you are one that has a blended family be sure and give that person an opportunity to be apart of your life, perhaps God put them there for a reason. Is it to take the place of the person that left by divorce or death…NO but it is to help give life, love and extend happiness to the one they married. Jesus knew that being alone was not for HIS mother so HE gave her a stepson, someone she could love. Could John take the place of Jesus as her son, no, but he could bring her love, joy and happiness until it was her time to move to Heaven. Please remember it was important to God to make sure that HIS son was taken care of and it was important to Jesus that HIS mother NOT be alone.

So to all blended families take the time to learn about the person that God has placed in your lives and my prayer is that at some point you will find that it was to bring life and not to take anyone’s place. I have found that for those that loose someone either by divorce (when it was not wanted) or by death, that if they try to live a life alone that their lives seem to be cut short because being alone is not a good thing. If you have a parent, a sister, a bother, or one of your grown children and they have found someone that they can share their life with then be very happy for them and do your best to learn and get to know that person because it could be that God sent them to impact and help extend their lives but to also impact your lives.

Remember it is NEVER to take the place of the one that moved to Heaven for that is impossible and should not even be tried but can be that HE has given to you a new friend to enjoy. Something to think about and let it not be about yourself but let be about the other person who found someone to share their lives with….. Our prayer is that each one have someone special in their lives be it a very close friend, family or a spouse but your life is worth sharing with others in so many ways. You have alot to give to others and they have alot to give to you.

