In the Beginning

Patricia Beesley-Riggs
3 min readNov 1, 2016

by Donna Stubbs

In the beginning at creation there is God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Jesus is The Word.

John 1:1 -3 KJV In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

The Word was powerful enough to create from nothing the Heavens, our Universe, and our Earth. The Word is what created everything in our existence. That same Word that created all things, is the same powerful Word today. That same Word is powerful enough to create healing in our bodies and create new organs inside us. That same Word is powerful enough to annihilate cancer and tumors, and create missing limbs.

How have we made it of non-effect? Why do we think The Word won’t work for us today?

Matthew 17:20 (One New Man Bible) And He said to them “Because of your little faith for truly I am saying to you, if YOU would have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘You must immediately go from this place to that place’, and it will go! Then nothing will be impossible for you.”

We still have that SAME power today, G0d does not change, The Word has not changed.

Malachi 3:6 KJV For I AM the Lord, I change not.

Has our faith has been watered down to believe that God is punishing us, or we are unworthy to be healed, or we deserve to be sick because of some choice we made? All this is a lie from God’s enemy who is our enemy! We have a choice: we can listen to the enemy (circumstances) OR we can listen to the One who loves us!

We can say STOP, sickness, you cannot enter my house (body), you cannot come near me or my family because I am abiding in Jesus.

What does Psalm 91:7 say? A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall NOT come nigh thee. How do we increase our faith?

We spend time with faith builders: The Word, our Abba Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit in the Secret Place! David encouraged himself in times of distress, we can do the same. Exercise (yes move and use) the authority Jesus gave you in Matthew 10:1 and your faith, speak The Word into your life. We can say, Abba I delight in your Presence, your Word “lives” in me, quicken me to your Word. We are to do just what Jesus did. Jesus did just what he saw the Father do.

We have authority over our life and over our body. We do not have to accept whatever life throws at us. Jesus said so. His Word is still as powerful today as the day He first voiced it. We need to know and understand how much God loves US, just how powerful His Word is in the world! He is the best Father anyone could ever have. We are His very own creation, created for His pleasure. How much do you love your children and grandchildren? He loves YOU so much more!

The Word is still All Powerful; speak The Word in your life to heal and restore and create whatever is missing, physical or emotional. That same Word is just as powerful today and can do ALL things!

