The Working of Miracles

Patricia Beesley-Riggs
3 min readNov 8, 2016

Jesus, how beautiful are the feet of those that bring the good news about Jesus.

In going to many meetings, conferences, schools and doing studies I have learned that I really can do the very same things that Jesus did. You may ask why would you say such a thing. Because Jesus said I could.

John 14:12

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Notice Jesus said the word verily twice and by doing so it means to pay attention to what I am saying. John 14:12 tells me that I can do the same things that Jesus did and greater.

Being a born again believer is very exciting when you begin to walk the walk. You begin to do the works that Jesus did. You see miracles happen. You see people healed. You have privilege of leading others to Jesus.

Everyday is a miracle because this is a day that has been made for each of us to use to do the works of our Lord Jesus. An example this maybe a day you are called to pray. Jesus got alone and prayed.

Here is an outline of what we must do to do the works of Jesus.

BE Available

At all times we must be available for God to work through us.

2 Chron 16:9 Isa 6:8–9 Ezek 22:30 Ezek 3:18–21 Ezek 33:3–9 Prov 3:27–28

Be BOLD in our believing

Prov 28:1 1 Thess 2:2 Eph 3:11 1 John 4:17–19

A. What does it mean to be bold? We have a revelation and enlightenment concerning God’s will that we be bold. We should be outspoken concerning the gospel and the things of God. I am not saying that we beat someone up with the Word of God but when praying for a person that is not saved use the Word of God because it does not return void. DO NOT be fearful in speaking the Word or talking about Jesus.

B. We have to have a conviction — determining where you are in fulfilling God’s Will. Are we as bold as G-d has made provision to be? Are we willing to boldly believe that God will do what HE said HE would do?

C. Action — Look at ways to be bold. Stretch to believe more boldly.


Show mercy because God is merciful, He expects His us, HIS children to be merciful.

Matt 9:36–10:2 Matthew 10:1 Matt 14:14 Matt 15:32 Matt 20:34 Mark 1:41

Mark 5:19 Mark 6:34 Mark 8:2–3 Mark 9:22–27 Luke 7:13–15

We study the example that Jesus taught and become the light of the world. Jesus simply tells in Mark 16:20 that the disciples went… if you have not been discipled in the Word of the Lord then find someone that can disciple you. Then watch what happens as you apply these few steps in your life toward others.

Mark 16:20 And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their messages.

Matthew 4:24 Matthew 11:2 Matt 11:5–6 Matthew 11:20–23

Matthew 13:53 Matthew 13:58 Matthew 21:15 Matthew 24: 23

Mark 3: Mark 5:27 Mark 6:2 Mark 6:5 Mark 6:14 Mark 9:38–39

Mark 13:22 Luke 19:36 John 5:20 John 14:11 John 14:12 John 20:30

Acts 2:43 Acts 4:30 Acts 5:12 Acts 6:8 Acts 8:6Acts 8:13 Acts 14:3

Acts 19:11 Romans 15:19 1Cor 12:10 1Corinthians 12:29 Galatians 3:5

Hebrews 2:4

May our Lord and Savior richly bless you as you become BOLD for the Kingdom of God.


Patsy Riggs

