Product Highlights #6: CRM, Workspaces, & more

Tom Borgers
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2023

Welcome to the sixth and final post in our Product Highlights Series leading up to our Beta launch on August 16th! To start from the beginning, check out our first post here. We’re super excited to keep sharing with you what we’ve been building over the past few months. Subscribe to our blog to stay up to date on Beta release details and future product news!

Welcome back to our Product Highlights series! In today’s post, we will wrap up our series by highlighting a few of the practical features we’ve built into the 3mint platform to make it maximally convenient for brands, creators, developers, and agencies alike to use.


First up, let’s talk about the organizational hierarchy of your 3mint account. Uh oh, that may sound boring at first glance, but we promise it’s extremely useful, particularly for larger brands, studios, and agencies that manage several different projects.

When you create an account with 3mint, you’ll be prompted to create a Workspace or join one if you’ve been invited by a team member. Each Workspace in 3mint has a dedicated Smart Contract Wallet behind the scenes, enabling you to get started right away with creating Collections and Collectibles, without any need to bring your own wallet or fund it to execute transactions (like deploying a Collection on chain). That also ensures that each Workspace maintains its own Digital Asset provenance. For example, as an agency, you may want to operate Collections or programs on behalf of different brands, but want to make sure provenance is clearly linked to the individual brand.

Team Accounts & Permissioning

Next up, let’s touch on team hierarchy within the Workspaces. Your 3mint Workspace is automatically a team account, and you can easily add members to your team to work together. You can set permissions from “Admin” to “Viewer” — this can come in handy if you’re an agency and you’d like to give brands or projects the ability to see what’s happening with the 3mint dashboard but while retaining full edit rights.


Finally, let’s touch on how we deal with end users (ie. Customers) in the 3mint platform; we consider this the beginning of a fully-featured CRM.

Whenever a customer claims or purchases an NFT, they will automatically be added to your Customers. You can then easily search, filter, and export customers for use on third party platforms. You can also edit customer information, adding information like name and phone number; more importantly, you can add Tags to your Customers to create segments. These segments (and any individual customer) can then be used as a filter to create whitelisted claim links. For example, you could create a segment for all users acquired through a particular digital collectible campaign (say, for example, a scavenger hunt) and reward customers in that segment with a special badge that provides them early access to a future product or experience.

That’s not all. Our goal is to make this maximally useful in relation to your existing tools, such as a CRM or email client. As a result, we let you import customers easily through a CSV upload; additionally, if you’re a developer, you can use our Customers API to read and write customer data and create your own integrations. Soon, we’ll roll out direct integrations with platforms like Hubspot, Klaviyo, and Salesforce.

One last point, we’ve designed our Customers database around an email identifier, which matches up with how most third parties are designed, making tracking user behavior and integrating that into your own analytics workflows super easy. That also means Customers in 3mint can have multiple wallets per individual.

That’s a wrap for our Product Highlights series leading up to the Beta. We are officially launching next week, on August 16. We’ve already heard so much feedback from you in the past few months, and we can’t wait to have you experience the platform (and its many recent updates) firsthand. Please keep sharing your feedback with us and let us know what features you’d like to see next!

About 3mint

3mint is the all-in-one Web3 customer loyalty platform for consumer brands, enabling you to leverage digital collectibles to capture more customer data, drive engagement, and build loyalty — without any of the hassle of dealing with Web3. Get in touch with us here.

