What is in store for PlayStation? The E3 conference shows what’s next.

By Johnathan Mazur

The Spectator
4 min readJun 13, 2017


The PlayStation E3 began with a playing of an Indian band featuring amazing effects from a water curtain that wowed the crowd and began the conference.

The first game that was to be featured was the game Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. The effects on the game have taken the player to an amazing new set of locations and features a new cast of characters. The game takes the player to a new world of adventure and action.

The next game that was revealed was the new Horizon game featuring a new take on the science fiction theme with a number of robotic machines and action at your disposal. This game takes a twist on the monster theme with the dinosaur like robots and a type of stone age like feel to the game. I think that this is an interesting game and that it might have a good run upon its release in 2018.

The next game that was featured was the new Days Gone game, which takes place in a world taken over by the zombie apocalypse and you play a character who is a member of a colony of survivors. The effects on the stage made it seem more interesting with actors hanging from the stage playing captured zombies and sounds of the forest. With massive numbers of zombies and even infected animals this game proves that it is intense and an action packed thrill ride that is truly gut wrenching (Pun intended). Just try not to pet the local wild life.

Shawn Layden from the PlayStation gave a brief statement to the crowd and talked about PlayStation has made progress toward the field of entertainment with PlayStation VR, the PS4 consoles, and talked about the way the consoles have become more powerful. He ended with informing the crowd that there were a number of session as well as about the software updates and of the aspects of the conference that were coming up.

After that the next game that came on was the new Monster Hunter World game. In this world of magic and monsters your hero is a hunter with some serious guts to take on the biggest monsters there are in the game. This in my opinion would definitely appeal to the fans of fantasy and magic theme with its large cast of creatures and action. But there is yet to be any real info about this game since it was just released and is scheduled to be released in 2018.

The next game that was revealed began with the Shadows of the Colossus, a game that allows you to combat the massive creatures and other beings. the game market is full of games where you combat monsters and magical creatures, time will tell how this game will do in the long run. Its truly a colossal undertaking for the programmers and gaming that I feel might just be a smash him for the fans.

The crossover between Marvel and CAPCOM comes to a head with the reveal with Marvel vs. CAPCOM Infinite where the heroes of both brands come together in an unlikely match to save the earth from Ultron Sigma. The cast of characters I think will definitely attract fans of super hero games and the combat that ensues will definitely be a cause for interest.

The next game that was show off was the newest call of Duty game: Call of Duty: WW2. This game takes you across Europe from the beaches of D-Day to the plains of the Soviet Union. With Call of Duty trying to come up with a way to come back from the unpopular Infinite Warfare, this just might be enough of a blast to get the game buffs and fans to get on the tanks and join in on the fun. It comes out November 3.

