Democracy in India is in Danger?

A synopsis of Modi’s rule.

Syed Shoeb
3rd side of a story
5 min readDec 12, 2018


India certainly is the largest democracy in the world since its independence.

Let’s see if it is the greatest one.

India has always been a continent-sized country, with more diversity than say, Europe. Tolerance towards the diverse verticals was once the core strength of India which is now in deep dangers. The last 5 years of BJP’s (the extreme rightist party) era in India has successfully fraternized the whole country based on their religion and preferences.

Mr. Modi had a strong and appealing manifesto promising to make India incredible again apparently, which worked out well for BJP as they came to power in 2014 with a majority in both lower and upper houses of parliament. One of their prime agenda was to eradicate corruption and bring black money back to India.

Well, it's not the first time that some political party has promised so much and delivered so little, but the outrage is all about polarization that has been forged in the minds of specific sections of society makes every Indian wonder if the 6 fundamental rights given by the constitution of India are still intact!

Lest talk numbers!

How much of “VIKAS (Development)” did INDIA really see?

Farmer's condition in India

Farming is one of the major occupations in India and agricultural industry is the backbone of the Indian economic system.

Last 5 years of Mr.Modi’s rule undoubtedly did very little for the people in this segment and it is after the Rafale deal controversy it is pretty evident that this government is all about giving power to the cartel groups and industrialists.

Maharashtra state assembly has reported that 639 farmers have committed suicide in the state during March and May 2018 i.e in the span of just 3 months due to the pressure from the bank authorities for repayment of loans while industrialists like Vijay Malia and Nirav Modi still roam free after thugging India by thousands of crores.

3 months suicide figures from just one of the 29 states in India amounts to 600 plus numbers is extremely taunting and which is why the Indian government till date hasn’t published the nationwide data of farmers condition in 2016 and 2017.

This is one of the biggest scams by BJP government. They do not release the data for the issues that matter and acutely divert the concentration of the society towards some useless fragile and sensitive issues on peoples religious preferences that only create havoc.

Employment Crisis

According to PMO India, there has been a steady increase in the number of jobs every year which is totally not backed by any data.

However, the Mumbai high court voices concern over rising unemployment and falling standards of living in India on July 7th 2018. It is critical to note that there is no official reporting from the government’s side regarding the number of jobs or employment-related affairs in the country.

When questioned, BJP’s national party president, Mr.Amit Shah answers in the parliament by asking everyone to sell pakoda’s (snacks) to create their own employment rather than waiting for the government to take some action.

Also, when asked for data, the government of India asked for 2 months extension period in July to release the official the data in regards to employment in India that has not seen the light of the day till date.

Right to no Information Act

Mr. Modi’s Government proposed Blocking the sections of Information and proposed amendments to RTI Act that gives every citizen of India right to hold the people in the government accountable to their actions. Mr. Modi’s government smartly mended the rules according to their convenience.

Despite attracting a lot of criticism from media houses, the government doesn't bat an eye. The amendments, if enacted, will indeed weaken the transparency law, and will eventually weaken the RTI Act that was in place to ensure governments accountability.

This is a classic hypocrisy by the Indian government that they forced every common man to link their Adhar card (Identification document) with their everyday activities while the government itself does not want to be accountable for anything they do.

Mob activists and Lynching cases

The constitution of India gives every India 6 fundamental rights which are Right to equality, freedom, religion education, culture and rights against exploitation.

Since the BJP era has started, it has become quite common that a group of activists attacked a couple or a person eating beef or someone who is performing their religious acts. It is pathetic that a government has so little to say about such incidents.

Up until 2012, 33 people have been killed in cow-related hate violence is the 6 years span. On the other hand, the total number of victims due to cow-related violence was over 300of these incidents were reported in 2017 alone.

The situation has come to a cow being much safer in India than a common man.


Its been over 2 years now since this chaos was brought into existence. This step by the government was supposedly aimed at removing the black money from India. While it did very little in these aspects, it affected the Indian economy pretty badly.

RBI says 99.3% demonetized notes were returned; major points from the central bank’s annual report which explains the utter failure by the government to remove the black money.

Demonetization was also supposed to put an end to counterfeit currency, terror financing and black money but all it did was to put an end to over 150 people’s lives and more than 15 lakh jobs.

GDP growth in India is a result of fudged data

Soon after coming to power, the Modi government has changed the way GDP is measured. Previously, the base year for calculating GDP growth was 2004–2005 and Modi government changed it to 2011–2012 along with the method of calculation of GDP. No one including Arun Jaitley, the finance minister of India, till date clearly knows how the new Indian GDP is calculated.

To simply explain, all these changes were done to show the maximum GDP growth in charts by taking the base year with the lowest GDP. This definitely does work in marketing aspects, advertising and election campaigning.

There are quite a lot of data points that are skewed and misrepresented by the Modi government which I shall write about in coming articles.

To sum it up….

BJP came into power promising to exterminate the corruption standards set by the predecessor government. Modi government did nothing impressive at all to instill confidence in the people of India.

However, the Modi government has successfully diverted the concentration of the people to less significant issues and dividing the people based on their religion and their preferences.

Whenever the questions are raised against the important issues like unemployment, growth in standards of living, or providing for underprivileged, the Modi government diverts the focus to the construction of Ram Mandir to provoke imbalance in the society.

People need to understand that there will be nothing left for the Modi government to discuss or debate if the Ram Mandir construction is completed which is why they are never going to let it happen so that they can reap the fruits grown by planting the seeds of hatred among diverse religions.

Disclaimer: This is a personal opinion and not intended to promote or demote any section of society.



Syed Shoeb
3rd side of a story

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