“Donald Trump,” the best distraction ever.

Syed Shoeb
3rd side of a story
4 min readJun 7, 2018

Yep, you read it right! We are going there :P

From the point of view of US power, he is harming it. (one side)

From the point of view of US elites, he is doing great. (second side)

#3rd side of a story:

Trump’s role is to ensure that media and public is always concentrated on him.

To do this you have to be crazy different. If you do everything just normal, then you are not different and no one wants to follow you. So, he is always doing something crazy to keep himself in the limelight.

Every other day there is one insane thing after another that he does and while this show is going on in public, there is something else that’s going on in the background.

In the background the republican crew is doing the actual work. People like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell in the cabinet who are supposed to be writing his executive orders, are actually taking down every aspect of government that actually works for the working-class people. Aspects ranging from workers’ rights, obligations for protecting consumers rights, environmental pollution and what not. Just to restore, refurbish and empower the super wealthy, corporate and elite upper-class people who are actually delighted as the stock market is always going up.

If we re-evaluate

then we recollect the fact that stock market has not much to do with country’s growth or economy or GDP. But it always keeps booming because rich are getting richer and they love to be in control of everything behind the scenes and run the show.

Whilst all this, Trump’s worst policies are almost never discussed.

Let’s take a look on the end results of some of his policies.

Trump’s policies are significantly increasing the threat of nuclear war. The Republican Trump’s predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama, declared his intent to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in his Nuclear Posture Review in 2010, the last time the policy document was crafted which actually makes sense.

But the recent Trump administration’s draft document, said, however, that Obama-era assumptions of a world where nuclear weapons were less relevant proved incorrect.

“The world is more dangerous, not less,” it said.

If that is the Trump’s administration’s view of the world, then I’m afraid that it is far from a consensus. Young generation has to acknowledge the potential nuclear buildup as dangerous, fiscally ruinous and redolent of outdated Cold War thinking.

keeping aside important issues like this all, we see in media and news is discussions/debates about the tweets of Trump which are pointless but are doing quite well the distraction that they are supposed to do.

Trump responds to the legitimate criticism with the equal and opposite tweet storm to distract everyone and then the original criticism is often lost in the noise.

For example:

I must say trump is really doing a great job here distracting everyone. He has just surpassed Will Smith’s con abilities in the movie ‘Focus’ and has proven himself to be the best con man ever in the real life.

Beyond that the Trump’s administration is going out of its way to increase the threat. If we look at the new budget that’s coming out which sharply cuts research and support for any kind of renewable energy or environmental issues. More subsidies and support are being dedicated for the most destructive things like nuclear weapons.

It’s quite unfair to just blame Trump for it, as the credit must be distributed equally with the entire republican leadership.

The worst part about all this is that it’s not the ignorant, uneducated, religious fundamentalists but it’s the educated, well-off, rich, privileged and upper elite class people who consciously know what they are doing is destroying the prospects of organized human life and still they are doing it anyway because they make more profits tomorrow.

Its high time that Americans realize what they have voted themselves into.

Tile of next article is “The subtle art of not giving a Fuck”, will be published on Friday.

Keep following to know the 3rd side of a story.



Syed Shoeb
3rd side of a story

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