3T Collective
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2022


The Happy Human

There once was a person, it gave itself no name,

The name it was born with, was the first iteration,

The name its friends called it, was its last.

It gave itself meaning, through experience,

Without burdening oneself with appearance,

It learnt to love, to live, to laugh,

It didn’t understand why people made life so hard.

Money is funny, it makes the world go around,

But why hoard anything?

It doesn’t make sense, it knew its impermanence.

Money isn't wealth, only a rich man pays penance.

Love is to give, never to take or own,

It saw this, through a human all alone,

Those who give love, are surrounded by warmth,

Those who think they deserve, become warped and unravelled.

The world owes us nothing,

Yet, we’re lucky to be here,

To give our free will, meaning,

Without any of the fear.

The happy human isn’t special,

It just embraces the truth,

No matter how painful,

Truth is Truth



3T Collective

CEO @ Breakthrough Social Enterprise | Founding Community Member @ 3T Collective | Health | Wealth | Love