I Dated 25 Guys in 1 Hour & 15 Minutes

Deepi Harish
4 Real?
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2017

This past week, my two girlfriends and I went speed dating. Yes that still exists.

Twenty-five eligible bachelors, three minutes per person and an hour and 15 minutes of repetitive, unoriginal small talk, in hopes to kindle a smidgen of a romantic spark.

When my friends and I arrived to the venue, we quickly scanned the room, as one does and were already unimpressed. I know it sounds judgy, but don’t deny that you wouldn’t have done the same.

The three of us immediately headed to the bar for a quick glass of vino before being put into a situation where our we’re engaged [in what our dates are saying] face is strong.

As we were about to pay our bar tab, the bartender told us the gentleman at the end of the bar had taken care of us. This older gentleman had overheard our conversation about what we were about to embark upon and did a nice deed of buying us a round. As we left the bar, he raised his glass and said “good luck ladies.” I imagine he took a peek at the thirsty men we were about to meet in the other room and decided we really needed a drink to get us through the night.

And so it began. The men were made up of a mixed bag of ethnicities, which was definitely a plus, and a mixed bag of characters, which was not.

[Side bar: The three of us that came together have very different personalities, occupations, likes/dislikes and taste in men. However, one of the two, and myself, are totally open to quirky, Will Ferrell-esque dudes, whereas the other one would never.]

Although, there wasn’t a strong connection with anyone, two of us still checked ‘yes’ to three to four guys. After a few days had passed, we were emailed our matches, and the one friend that shares my love for quirkiness in a companion matched with the same two guys that also matched with me.

Oh, and the third friend had two clean columns of straight up No’s for all 25 bachelors, so she’s no longer part of this story.

Now we get why guys don’t show up to these types of events together. They see their male buddies as competition, whereas women go together for moral support and someone to talk to between intermission.

My friend and I ended up having an awkward yet funny laugh about the situation, and a conversation that went something like this…

Friend: You go for the French teacher guy.

Me: Noo, we should both meet up with him and see if there’s anything there. There maybe a missed opportunity for one of us if we don’t.

Friend: What if he clicks with both of us. Haha. This could get even more awkward. I’m taking myself out of this.

Me: Why should you forfeit? You should go out with him, you guys have things in common. I can’t even remember what we talked about.

Friend: I didn’t feel strongly about him. I’ll send him a polite message saying “you and I don’t date the same guy,” and I’ll go out with the funny architect.

The conversation went on like a cheesy romantic comedy where two people in love are on the phone and neither one wants to hang up first.
Something like this:

Since we both matched with one guy each, we each chose one and called it a day. We also agreed to NEVER go to this type of event together again.

This could have been a much more uncomfortable situation, had we have not been two, super easy going, uncatty friends.

On the way home from the night, we all wished the older gentleman that had bought us a round of drinks before we started was 15–20 years younger. He seemed like a catch. But wait …we’re back to that awkward situation. Shit! We didn’t think that one through.

. . .

Have you ever experienced something like this?

Share your tale by sending your draft to 4real.deepi@gmail.com or send me your name to add you as a writer to this publication and you can submit your piece.



Deepi Harish
4 Real?

Published Storyteller on Bon Appétit, The Food Network Canada, The Huffington Post, China Daily, Post City Magazines and more. Follow me at instagram.com/d33pi/