Take To The Streets, Our Dance Floor

Worth The Journey
400 Days Of Mindful Business
1 min readJan 21, 2018

While both sides predictably blame one another, fight one another, and become obsessed with pushing their own agenda — when is it that someone will be brave enough to step beyond their own desires and goals to meet the other?

Let me put this a little more personally.

While we’re predictably blaming the other side, fighting them, and becoming obsessed with pushing our own agenda — when is it that we will be brave enough to step beyond our own desires and goals to meet the other side?

Let me put this a little more personally.

While you’re predictably blaming the other side, fighting them, and becoming obsessed with pushing your own agenda — when is it that you will be brave enough to step beyond your own desires and goals to meet the other side?

No one outside can tell you to be brave. It has to be you.

Someone can stop conflict. You can.

Step beyond your side, and invite the other to as well.



Worth The Journey
400 Days Of Mindful Business

You're running a heart-centered business. We share experiences and tips on how to make it sustainable.