Be Like Mark Zucker…

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404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readMar 25, 2019

I read a blog title today. ‘9 ways to be like Mark Zuckerberg’. I mean why the hell should I be him? Just because he created something as he puts- “Create a website and put the entire social experience into it”? I’m not at all fascinated by the idea of it. The adumberation of what he succeded was that he snatched the social life from muggles and fed it online. A battle arena for good and evil with a mutual interest in wasting time.

Well… I don’t hate him. I don’t have any reason to. I hate when people want people to be like other people. I just want me to be Me. And Me is more than sufficient do enough shit in this world that can make people either adore or despise me.

