Breaking free… (Trying to…)

black red
404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2019

I have this habit that when I do something while I’m deeply depressed about something, then every other time I do the same thing, I kinda relive that period of depression again. It’s almost a way for the depression to crawl back its way again into my brain.

Writing this journal is the current example. I’ve been in a depressed and least productive state for the past few weeks. As I’m trying to break free of it now, this journal’s trying to push me back to the gloomy depression phase. Every letter I type reminds me of every letter I typed when I was heavily depressed. (Now I’m lightly depressed) My adjectives are becoming lamer by time.

Okay, where am I in my project?

Well, I’ve got good news this weekend. I think I almost found a good team. Also, we are kinda about to receive a small investment. Nothing’s sure. But, those good news triggered the productiveness in me, and I’m working on the project little faster than before.

Yeah! Last paragraph doesn’t contain the word ‘Depression’. I think I’ve broken free. Shit… this para contains the word!

