Fastest and life-changing year!

black red
404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2019

I’m almost at the end of the year. I can finally be thrilled, and excited about the sound of a year. ‘tonty-tonty’

I have learned a lot. I have transitioned from a noob who yearned to brag about being a programmer to a programmer who doesn’t brag at all (At least, I’m trying to...). Last year… at this time… I was even astounded about how a click of a button does something in our phones, and computers. I wanted to work on code filled screens where greens and reds perplex the non-techie spectator who is more like a muggle in programming world.

I never stopped being fascinated about all those things. They continue to thrill me. This time I’m not a muggle. I’m the Ron Weasely of programming world.

Thanks to almighty for this. But, as much as I’m thankful to certain things, I have had my share of problems, and depressions throughout the year. After all, life is not a story where, from the last page, characters continue to live happily ever after — after going through a lot of problems.

Even now I’m worried about certain things. But, in the scales that weighs between the things that I’m thankful about and the things that worry me, the former wins.

Looking forward to tonty-tonty…

