My country lost…

black red
404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2019

I was not a fan of any particular sport when it comes to watching the game — spending hours to watch them play. Still, I used to watch cricket when I was small. My whole (small) family used to watch it.( I still wonder where that peaceful life’s gone!) When my country won the 2011 world cup, we were celebrating. Broad smile, and that feeling of victory, and pride was our celebration. But now, as I’ve seen my country lost in the semi-finals in a close-call after a significant period (sine waves) of hope, and heart break, they settled with the heart break. After all, it’s the last game of my favourite (legendary) player.

Well, the mood would prevail throughout the remaining part of this day.

I gotta wait 4 years to witness the game again. I don’t know in what kinda situation I’ll be then. I have no options but wait while I live.

