NIGHTMARE… IN REPEAT MODE! Does anyone experience the same?

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404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readJul 31, 2019

My Grandma and I along with a kid I haven’t seen before were escaping giant waves along the sea shore. We were trying to climb on a sand dune along the shore struggling very hard not to get caught into the fierce waves. Well, I have always had scary water related nightmares. But, at this point of time, as every night of mine pushes me into the world of risks, and runs (which I think I do partially enjoy. Our brain protects us by forgetting disturbing nightmares (I learned this from Walter O’Brien from Scorpion). Since I remember some of the details, I can say that I enjoyed them a bit.), I cannot just shrug it off. I just hope that these dreams are not a bad sign of something horrible that might be swiftly approaching me.

Office -> Well, I’m writing documentation on the flow of the app we’ve been working lately. Wherever I go, I get writing tasks.

Exciting -> I started learning iOS development (Swift).

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. — Paulo Coelho

I just want to know whether this quote has some value!

