One step closer…

black red
404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readJul 8, 2019

Last day has been the most productive day in recent times. I started working on a project (CMate), and you know what, I coded from morning till evening, and when I finally built the project, it ran without any error except for a tiny (Boolean) mistake I did. 6 months back, I was struggling to understand Recyclerview. It was scary to even look at that code. I questioned myself several time whether I’m made for this. Now, thanks to almighty, I have shown a great progress. Scratch to MVVM. Today, finally my salary arrived. A significant part of it went as debt. This month, by the 18th, I’ll have already ran out of money for food. but, who cares while my brain’s appetite is satisfied.Still, I’m yearning for acknowledgement. That’s something I wanna get rid off myself. My friends might have realized it already, or perhaps, fortunately not. I should do something about it. But one thing’s sure. If I were Turing, I’d have screamed to everyone that ‘d cracked the enigma. I would have died in stress otherwise.
Well,what’s more… yeah! I’ve started watching Scorpion. I love that show. A new inspiration after silicon valley to get me going.

