Productivity divorced me!

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404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2019

Well, I have not done anything but seriously thinking about doing something. It seems like my office pay me for doing nothing but contemplating a day when I’ll be introducing my product in front of a huge audience. Well, if they fired me, then I’ll be joining the mass audience who beg their way into food. (No offence!)

Anyways, I decided to stop doing the stunt of MVVM for my project and utilize the easy way. If I still cling onto an architectural pattern for no reason, I won’t even be ready with a POC.

inline fun <reified T:Activity> FragmentActivity.moveTo(t:T) {

Well, I wrote an extension function to move to a new intent and felt proud about it. Wait… why’s my ‘Steve Jobs’ dream fading away?

