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404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readApr 11, 2019

Well, every other vc that assigned term sheet to Pied Pieper backed off because of the lawsuit filed against them by Hooli. What’re they gonna do? Well, that was the last Silicon Valley episode I’ve watched.

I’m sure something positive’s gonna happen to them in the upcoming episodes, just like I hope the same’s gonna happen in my life too.

Today was fantastic compared to the downtrodden yesterday. I kinda hit the shore (Whatever it means) today after swimming very hard into the sea of distress caused by a trivial THING. I concentrated much on work today, and kinda revamped my knowledge on Graphql.

I also written some unit tests for okHttp service, and my tests did pass.

I think, I’m free from that shit (hopefully).


