Some dreams are…

black red
404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readDec 24, 2019

At the beginning of this year, I wanted to record my dreams in a journal, and find a pattern on it. Like plenty of other interestingly unimportant things, I didn’t do this too.

Now, as I type this in my office laptop, the climate is chilly and it’s drizzling outside. It set my mood to share or at least record the dream I had last night somewhere. That somewhere is here…

There was a drizzle… rain… There are some children under my protection… I firmly hold a small child from running into the rain on a terrace where other children slash my friends are jumping and playing.

I got a date at my old house. She is someone I know… Or at least it feels so! As she takes a bath, I’m trying to choose a movie that we can watch together. I always wanted (want) to watch a movie with my loved one. It didn’t happen so far. So the dream was special. Anyway, when she was ready, the time was 4:30 pm and I didn’t choose a movie yet. We didn’t complete the date or I don’t know. I don’t remember the dream anymore. Something in me radiates a feeling that I had a beautiful kiss last night. That means I might have experienced a kiss in that dream….

Maybe, the last paragraph was an incomprehensive scribble… but the feeling is real. I would know. The above words would keep the feeling alive here, and reading this again someday would kiss it back to life. Because some dreams are just…

