The serious beginning… umm…

black red
404 __ A Journal
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2019

12-April-2019 | Friday

12:18 pm:

Started my school bus project. I mean… learning to use Firebase realtime database, and Google API for map.

12:29 pm:

Well… I wasted the entire time!

2:50 pm:

Just starting…

3:19 pm:

3:55 pm:

Well… I don’t have to save the API key into the gradle properties.I can simply put it in string resources as of now.

8:06 pm:

I’ve been a lazy af. Just adding (learning to ad) map to the ui.

2 days Later… (15-April-2019)


Been trying to clone the project from git to my Mac only to see empty project. So… yeah NO PROGRESS

