Fixing top latch missioN • Happy π daY

Minå Kolėva
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018

We have a few major issues to fix. First one is that the top latch is leaking, so here we go. Trough the help of a friend we discovered the website Old Hymer. There are 2 Facebook groups of owners of old Hymers and they turned out to be one of the best resources for information that we found so far. With their help we discovered this e-bay shop where we got a better version of our latch.

•.•*window towards the stars*•.•
<< M O O N W A L K is my name >>


Ah, Moon — and Star!
You are very far —
But were no one
Farther than you —
Do you think I’d stop
For a Firmament —
Or a Cubit — or so?


Emily Dickinson

. . . 1, 2, 3 seemed easier than it might be. . .



Minå Kolėva

I was born under water • With three dollars and six dimes