1 Day to 40

Tim Hammill
40 Days to 40
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2020

In just a few hours, the countdown to 40 will come to an end and I’ll be a 40 year-old man. Thank you to everyone who even read one of these posts, I’m happy to have been able to share this journey with you.

I’ll be back tomorrow with one last post. It will be my first post as a 40 year-old, so it will be super mature. It will probably be about which white sneakers will make my mall walking most comfortable or just a long list of complaints about the current state of baseball harkening back to the good old days when ballplayers smoked in the dugout.

I’m only sort of kidding.

My mother used to tell me to go to sleep early on my birthday eve because it was the night I’d grow the most. I don’t where she got that from. But it worked. No, not the growing the part. The part where it got me to go bed early instead of staying up all night with excitement, looking forward to all the presents I was going to get the next day.

Tonight, I feel like if I don’t go to sleep, I’ll somehow miss out on the transformation into 40. I’ll just stay in this 39 to 40 purgatory forever, or until I finally knock out.

But I’m too old to stay up late. My eyes are already shutting on me a bit. Guess I have no choice but to just accept 40.

I’m a man! I’m 40!

Thank you again for all your love and support during this final stretch to 40.

Tim Hammill is a communications professional in the nonprofit sector. He’s turning 40 on October 20, 2020. He’s writing about the final stretch to this milestone age in 40 Days to 40, a collection of stories, thoughts, reflections and whatever else comes to mind each day. In addition to writing a blog, Tim has also decided to donate his birthday to This Is My Brave, an organization he very recently learned about that brings stories of mental illness and addiction out of the shadows and into the spotlight. If you’d like to support Tim’s birthday fundraiser, go here.

Additionally, there are three other organizations that are close to Tim’s heart: Save the Children, Stand Up To Cancer and the Bridgeport YMCA. Click on each to learn more and to support their work.

