About Me, Kent Langley, May 2016

Kent Langley
The 41st Square
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2016

I was asked to introduce myself on a new online forum as part of a migration from a mailing list I’ve been on for ages. I realized, I’m doing many things that aren’t well reflected in my CV. It’s a lot of work to maintain a resume! So, I thought I’d just publish my introduction here as well to share what I, the author of this blog, am up to at the moment.

I run my own technology advisory and research firm ProductionScale, Inc. It’s been in operation since 2012. I have launched, built and managed several companies in the last 21 years (jeez 21 years…) and helped many people do the same. I am not currently in a startup. I’m an Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) of myself.

As faculty, I teach in the Data Science and Exponential Organizations (driving organizational scalability with the judicious use of advanced technologies and processes) tracks at Singularity University. My lectures includes Data Science, Exponential Data, Exponential Organizations, Introduction to Exponentials and various workshops.

Recently, I’ve had a new child (our 3rd), I’ve been working with a great South American company to use data science to increase protein production for human nutritional quality improvement, worked with a Chinese marketing company to use Data Science / Software to help with Ad placements and scale operations in chinese e-commerce contexts, taught one of the largest chinese supply chain manufacturers in the world a new view on Data Science for their organization, worked with a mexican insurance company to help them understand how to apply technology and new business models to drive toward breakthrough innovation and some other things as well.

Ultimately, my goal is to Apply Technology for Humanity.

If we share interests contact me!

