Interesting Things #2016.29.200

Kent Langley
The 41st Square
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2016

Here are just a few curated things from recent days that I wanted to share with you.

The DAO Incident | Account of Recent Events

A fascinating account of recent events with TheDAO incident. My favorite part was the safety net plan. The quote, without any of the details which you can go read in the article was, "two proposals designed to set the stage for a hacker duel if the hard fork fails"

A hacker duel!!

OpenBazaar 2.0 | More Updates and Information

More updates and commentary on OpenBazaar and the upcoming 2.0 version. I launched a small store on OpenBazaar selling a coaching session. No takers yet but it's a way better mousetrap so I am sure the path is being forged as you read. In any event, I'm really excited both technically and feature-wise about what's coming for 2.0!

Get Naked!

A very nice piece of equipment for self-quantification. $499 and +/- 2.5% on body fat detection according to some reports.

Identity | You Should Always be You (and Your Data too)

Here is a paper on Identity Systems essentials from the Evernym team. This is a problem getting a lot of attention lately. Another recent post listed "12 Companies Leveraging Blockchain for Identification and Authentication." That list also has some interesting companies on it in this subject area.

AltSchool | An Exciting and Updated Take on Children's Education

This interview with the founder of AltSchool by John Batelle of NewCo Shift is an enlightening look into the ideas of Max Ventilla, the founder of AltSchool. He says, "If you do not use technology to bring down the cost of complexity then you must standardize." Absolutely. Another quote this brings to mind is the following.

"The drivetrain of the Tesla S has just seventeen moving parts — compare that to the several hundred moving parts in a conventional car’s drivetrain."

- Ismail, Salim; Malone, Michael S; van Geest, Yuri (2014–10–14). Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)

The application of battery and electric motor technology has led to profound impacts in the complexity of a car.

Hi, I am Kent Langley. I am the author of The 41st Square. My primary site is at where I am the CxO. I am core faculty at Singularity University where I teach Data Science and Exponential Organizations. I am the Head of the Global Exponential Organizations Movement where I work w/ Salim Ismail and a TREMENDOUS team from all around the world.


