10 signs you have spotted a great software developer

Helga Lastivka
Don't Panic, Just Hire
6 min readNov 11, 2016

Hiring a great software developer doesn’t feel like a Maserati purchase, but he or she may benefit you a Maserati. So that’s why we created ultimate how-to catch Mr. White Rabbit of the Software Development.

If you want to succeed with your project, your people must be selected as puzzles. From the resumes browsing to the last word of your conversation with a candidate on the developer’s position, only you are carrying responsibility for hiring and forging a dream team. Let’s check all this process to assure all is OK.

Here go a few tips how to spot a great software developer. Which means we’ll pass through 2 main stages: resume screening and interview.

The Resume Obstacle Race

On the start, the bunch of resumes is waiting for you. Sometimes, awfully bulky or, on the contrary, too thin. Three are smart pieces of advice from Joel Spolsky and his blog on what to do with resumes below.

1. Set aside resumes with gross grammar mistakes.
(here’s the first spot that’s a good software developer wants to work for you)

If the candidate is not attentive enough to brush up his resume, why you should waste your time on it? Besides, it’s the first bell of negligence like a habit in the other activities. Leave them in the trash can.

2. Choose resumes with clear evidence of previous narrow examination.
(here’s the second one. Now you understand that you’re not the first dragon he’s going to defeat)

It may be participation in ad hoc projects, probations, previous employers (some companies are famous for their strict examination), special military units, etc. It helps you to seek someone special who works better than average.

3. Make a pre-interview skype or phone call.

Have a small talk and brief conversation on development issues considering your project. The conversation may start like: “Hi, Mike, I’ve recently reviewed your resume. And I wonder if you can briefly explain me… / evaluate the utility of… / propose the decision of such problem…” If it doesn’t make sense to continue your relations, you should emphasize it for yourself. Nevertheless, this situation is quite stressful for all parties of conversation, both of you may feel the true level of knowledge and readiness for work. And only after such stress test you should appoint the interview. Or Not.

(here’s the third spot of “Golden Ticket” developer. We hope your candidate hadn’t switched and freaked out and you felt excitement of discussed ideas.)

That’s how we find out our opening trio of great software developer signs and features. Let’s see how’s interview can reveal the rest of them.

Hire the best!

Interview’s Passions: Don’t risk, hire the best!

To have a good start with the interview, be sure you prepared from your side. Write the email for your candidate with a description of what must be prepared before the interview. Create a blog story about the typical interview in your company or project. To be more precise, instruct the candidate to turn on the camera and display his screen with a text editor. Feel yourself like on America Gots Talent show with performing developer in the front of you.

Also, you should schedule the time of your already hired specialists or ask somebody to help to make objective decisions. It must be the team at least of three people (two ad hoc specs). Interesting six interviewers approach for the lead developer’s positions is quite effective. Be sure that you’ll not gather the Junior Developer team to help with Senior or Architect Developer’s hiring.

Although be attentive to time, place, internet connection, cameras, another screen if needed. Start interview in time.

You’ll meet three kinds of candidates: “intellectual warfare”, “neither fish nor fowl”, “mistakes on the pre-interview level”. You need only first-alike people in your team, we’re sure you deserve it. If you haven’t met anybody in that category, continue searching new candidates. But don’t stop on averages. Even if you’re in a hurry, remember that they can more set off tempo of your workflow than help.

Who needs complaining developer with not enough competence for the normal work? Or he’s acidly confident in himself? Or any case?

The perfect one will fit you like an old friend in your favorite Friday’s pub. Start the interview with such feeling, with a need to find a friend and a developer.

So find out the next spotting features of a great software developer are:


Start the interview with a small talk, an introduction of all people gathered for the interview, ask the candidate if he’s comfy. This will help you to set the tone and free the stress of waiting.

What is his problem-solving style? How he’s proceeding to decisions? Does he get all things done?

Prepare 5–7 applied tasks with a need to write few lines of code. Range them from easy to complicated. Write down how fast does he write code, how strong are the logical connections and conclusions. This will help you to reveal his theoretical knowledge on practice, true talents or capabilities.

The difference between “Homo Habilis” and Geek in the worst meaning of this word lies in the attitude to deadlines and juniors. Geek is fond of himself and would prefer the abstract ideas mill more likely than a structured meticulous everyday routine. Because he’s “higher than that”. Homo Habilis loves his job and takes into account all the dependencies of the development process. Also, he plans precisely and estimates the time soberly. It’s the next point — to get things done. It’s so important for you because you’re interested the most in the end software product.

Communication skills

It’s necessary to be skilled in developing complicated ideas in an easy way. The smartest developers can explain his ideas in simple words. If it’s impossible, the good developer is ready to explain each unknown concept. In the conversation, he’s open, but not too talkative. Try to ask the open question with a help of “Could you describe this more?..” phrase. Try to touch the exciting theme for developer. It’s good that a person has a “passion” unlocked with mention of technologies, applications or something else.

Mistakes screening and self-estimation

When the code part is over, ask your candidate to check his code and estimate it. Even if there’s no mistake, tell him you’ve already found one. And check the reaction. That’s a trick for you to open the attitude considering critics and fails. We hope he won’t prove his code’s perfectness with red eyes on you.


It’s not so important for Junior Developer, but it’s obligatory for Seniors or Tech Leads. Everything starts with initiative and self-motivation to get all things done. Bring back the developing tempo, encourage the team, take a leader’s place with all the responsibilities when something goes wrong — all these actions may spot the best man for your project.


To take some rest, play a game with your candidate. Ask one or two questions without specific answers: “How many foreigners in Tokyo?”, “How old is the oldest tree in the world?”, “Do you see the red or green traffic lights mostly in common?” This will help you to disclose the imagination and take some rest. No puzzles, only questions. You need an open-minded person, not a puzzle specialist.

Tech and skills hunger

There’s no need to explain this point. The development is like a Columbus expedition every time, a first time. So be sure that your new sailor will catch the fair wind of development vector. And won’t step back in the face of troubles.

The end of interview: sympathy and agreement

At the end, it’s your time to answer the candidate’s questions. For this moment, you have to make your own decision if this candidate fits your team or not. Be ready to show your company in the best way, even for those who won’t achieve a job proposition.

Developer and Writer.

P.S. Thank you, Nazar Gerasymchuk, my best developer in the world.

