Career ideas : 9 tips to have a great 1st year of work

5 min readJan 22, 2016


Writing my first article ever was a HUGE step for me as a person, as I had some fears that the content was not worth sharing, or that I wasn’t qualified enough to do it. But I did it and the feedback was great!

After one-year experience, I learned a lot about how to contribute to the success of the company I work for, and my own career. This is why I would like to share with you my perspective on how to have a successful first year. The goal behind this article is to start a discussion about the best practices in the corporate world.

1. Smile everyday:

This may sound weird, but a smile can change a lot in how people treat you and see you. It is a reflection of how you feel about your work, your team and your purpose, besides it is a great way to kick off the day.

Just keep a smile on your cheek and everything is going to be great, it will lead to a better communication and hopefully to better results.

2. Bring your own added value:

As you kick off your career you start hearing this word so much « Added Value ». Added value can be generated by being a team player, having a sense of leadership and proposal, bringing new clients or even working extra hours to get things done.

Being able to take responsibilities and ensuring that what you are doing is on track, are also two keys to your company’s success.

You should also bring added value to your customers. As an IT consultant, one of my missions is to communicate with our customers, propose new products and solutions that will be beneficial to their businesses to keep them satisfied with our products/services.

3. Dedication:

Being a dedicated person is one of my main principles that I practice in everything I do. So far, this has helped me my whole life Starting from studies, voluntary works and now in my career.

When you feel like you belong to your organization and you like what you’re doing, you tend to give the most of what you have and this is shown in those things you do, and with responsibilities you take.

The reward of dedication is always great on personal and professional levels!

4. Staying up to date:

Coming from an IT background where things get updated on the scale of weeks to months, staying up to date is a major key to success and to a great career. But I believe that people in every industry should stay up to date, because the world we live in is being developed faster than ever before.

5. Be a Lazy worker:

Try to automate every repetitive task you do, use innovative tools, and adapt your processes to make your job faster, easier and most of all Efficient.

6. Being passionate:

“Passion is the genesis of a genius” — Tony Robbins

This how great passion is, do everything for the love of it and your work will be entertaining.

If you don’t feel like you enjoy your work, change it! Life is too short to lose it doing something you don’t love everyday. Don’t follow that lie of having a work/life balance, because we spend more time doing our job than anything else. It is not separate from our life; it is a PART of it. So making it enjoyable and awesome will make your life much happier!

Make sure your work is worth every precious second of yours!

7. Ask questions :

I always tend to ask people whom I estimate experienced for advice on how to be a performer at the workplace, or about their perspective on the business world.

One of the best pieces of advice I received was: “You’re young, propose new ideas, bring freshness into your workplace. Know your strengths and improve them and your weaknesses and work on.”

8. Leadership

Leaders are those people who inspire us and we tend to learn from them.

The world is not in need of followers; it needs leaders to step forward into a new ERA. The same thing applies to the business, it needs leaders who can take responsibilities, organize themselves and their teams, inspire other to give more, coach them and help them grow.

9. Know what you want to do:

I know that I want to be in the IT industry for a long while, so my decision led me to be happy almost everyday !

Successful people know what they want to do, they have defined objective and know how to create and seize opportunities! They are Determined.

I believe you should know what makes you happy the most at your industry. Then you should think of how to take ACTION! Express your will for a promotion, or career ambitions to your manager. If the company is good enough they will take it into account, otherwise WALK AWAY!

Last advice: No matter how old you are, you’re still young, alive and still able do the things you love. Don’t wish you have done it, just do it now!

“The trick is to grow up without growing old” — Frank Lloyd Wright

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Writing my reflections down, mostly questioning while seeking peace & truth. Passionate about music, travelling & nature.