Corporate Education: What Things to Change and Why

Don't Panic, Just Hire
4 min readMar 22, 2017

Do you know how successful companies provide learning and development?

The new business world requires rethinking the way the companies bring always-on education and development. Transforming corporate learning became the second valuable trend in Deloitte’s survey. Most business leaders perceive this issue as urgent or critical and want to keep up with talents’ needs for education and career growth. Nowadays, the career is a way of learning anywhere and anytime.

Researches show that organizations invest more than $160 billion on training, yet talents acquire only 10 percent of the learning content, you may see that a new education model is required. Businesses that shift to the learning path model include continuous education. Employees are developing their knowledge base through brief sessions that enhance retention of new information and attention rates. Relevant assessments, video, presentations, podcasts and online tests help to recognize areas that demand further review, and the managers may cover knowledge gaps in training materials.

Useful lessons from the successful universities and companies

Organizations such as Visa, Nestlé, and Dell use their corporate college for staff development, collaboration and to drive innovation. It is important for employees to connect with their peers, share knowledge to improve productivity and bring creativity.

Phil Desrochers, learning and development consultant at Halogen, ensures to pay more attention to support staff to find needed content on the platform and navigate your LMS, simplify searching learning stuff. Key competencies are laid in the foundation of the career development. He suggests applying a newsletter for each employee to announce the new education possibilities.

Leaders from the University of Southern California are focused on the open-minded thinking to expand boundaries and use experiences from different fields, bringing together students and researchers from different business departments. They create interdisciplinary teams to work on a specific problem. For example, medicine and cinema school work together to combine virtual reality and digital imaging to overcome scientific challenges.

The company Beats collaborated with the Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation to develop engineering and design thinking. As a result, they gained great cancer research and global Wi-Fi.

Steps for changes

First of all, you need to assess internal mobility to ensure that you are ready to lead cross-functional teams. Experts advise using rotational and developmental tasks and career development strategies. Motivate your managers to train and promote your staff. Also, it is important to create an appropriate culture of learning and collaboration.

Successful companies track learning outcomes and use this information to continue development. Use a learning-centric model with innovative software. You may invest in the corporate university as well for the large organization.

Try new learning tools such as Grovo, EdCast, Pathgather, and Axonify that offer video and mobile education solutions. It is important to bring different department together as well to innovate and collaborate.

When you permanently provide opportunities for career growth, potential employees may know about it from the tools such as Glassdoor. It will help you to attract right persons in your team.

Why the changes are needed

Top companies with dynamic learning paths outperform other organizations by delivering continuous learning possibilities and creating a strong culture of growth and development. Employees expect companies to support them permanently update the skills, shift from role to role, and discover their mission. Corporate education helps to improve employee engagement and fulfill employees’ desires.

Many organizations started to use open career paths with useful experiences and projects. Deloitte’s survey emphasized that most CEOs think their organizations encounter disruptive change according to the new technologies, and many of them evaluate that their company does not have the abilities to adapt.

Wait for our next article, where we will describe deeply how to create relevant corporate education. We will share with you different insights and tools to adapt the learning for new world changes.

Assess your company’s internal mobility to ensure that you are ready to lead cross-functional teams. Experts advise using rotational and developmental tasks and career development strategies. Motivate your managers to train and promote your staff. Also, it is important to create an appropriate culture of learning and collaboration.

Try new learning tools such as Grovo, EdCast, Pathgather, Degreed, and Axonify that offer video and mobile education solutions. It is important to bring different department together as well to innovate and collaborate.

Organizations such as Visa, Nestlé, and Dell use their corporate college for staff development, interaction and to drive innovation. It is important for employees to connect with their colleagues, share knowledge to improve productivity and bring creativity. Phil Desrochers, learning and development consultant at Halogen, ensures to use key competencies to build the foundation of the career development.

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