Do People Come Into Your Life For A Reason?

Danni Davis
Don't Panic, Just Hire
2 min readJun 19, 2017


I took an Uber to a training class last week. The class was 45 minutes away, so I was hopeful my headphones would signal my desire for silence. After a hectic, early morning shepherding disobedient dogs, I was looking forward to silence, Spotify and scenery.

My signals were obviously not strong enough, because my driver initiated a conversation. At first, I feigned interest with validation. “Yes, it was hot yesterday. I also cannot wait for the weekend.” Then she said, “I self-published a book using Amazon. I’m 40, its my time. I do Uber full-time, so I can own my schedule and write daily. I resigned from a job that made me so miserable, I would cry at my desk. I was so scared when I left and I was tested early on with challenges. But, I did not break down, I kept moving. Now, my book is published and I’m focused on promoting it and brainstorming ideas for the next one.”

Admittedly, my first reaction was self-pity. Why isn’t that my story? I’m happy to report I quickly pivoted the focus away from me and congratulated my driver on her achievement. Since she was focused on promotion, I gave her tips to build her online brand and connect with other storytellers. She was quite appreciative and said, “People come into your life for a reason.”

I’m undecided on the debate between planned destinies and life being a series of random events, but this experience made me ponder. I connected with a complete stranger, mostly because she has the life I’m currently pursuing. She had the courage to change her life and focus on her passion. I’m confident of my courage, but it has not been tested. An opportunity has not presented itself to test my resolve. Maybe she entered my life for 45 minutes, to show me that changing my life is a possible feat. That even on rough days, I need to stay positive, keep writing and be ready to take the leap when its time to jump.

I left the Uber rejuvenated and inspired to keep pursuing my dream. Yes, my circumstances are different and our journeys will be different. But, we both reached a point in our lives when we said, its our time. Its time to find my next chapter. I’m ready. Thanks Uber driver. Congrats again on your book.

Originally published at



Danni Davis
Don't Panic, Just Hire

Creator of, traveler, horror movie watcher, blogger, lover of life, learning, and Sunday mornings surrounded by trees.