Good, bad, doesn’t matter

Anastasia Koshchakova
Don't Panic, Just Hire
3 min readSep 5, 2017

Hello. It’s nice to be there again. It’s not an easy time for me now, because I have been looking for job since my graduation. So, It’s more, than two months. All this time I was drifting from one interview, from one job, website, place to another. And only 3 weeks of these months I had really worked.

So, I’d worked in three companies with all their’s pros and cons. And, of me writing this post and still seeking a job, you can simply find out, that I’m not really good at getting along with pros. I’ve always thought, work can’t be a pleasure for you, mum tought me that. So, I guess now, I should better to endure, but had money. From the other point, all kinds of vacancies, I can lay up claim now are, like low-grade, for people with no education and work experience. There are lots of such things, not talking even about sallers, It’s different operators, administrators, managers and so on. So, why can’t I change workplaces till I find a fitting one?

It’s kinda obvious, I need money. And when you got it, you start an active searching, and new problem appears. You have too many variants, some seem to you wonky and you get rid of them without second thoughts, and few of them, you believe, can even be more or less possible. So there is a problem of a choice between two, max. three; and you’re afraid the most to make a wrong choice.

I find it hard, to learn being adult, to take responsibility for my life, my choice, my time; but I must do it and I can. I’ve got a dream, my own dream and noone’s else, and I’m eager to achieve it. So, I need any kind off job to pay for living, and it must be:

  1. Conveniently located;
  2. Not soul-sucking, I need strenght to study and write after work;
  3. Well-paid;
  4. Do be useful for people and fair;
  5. Permanent occupation, without making me a fool for dirty temprorary work

Today I had a triple interview in company called “Поколение-NEXT” (Generation-NEXT) with their’s dragon logo. It’s educational organisation for 8 month-14 years old children, also they have a kindergarten. All in all, I got nice impression of this place, everything seemed good, except a director. The awfully groomed fat woman with 3 kids, and stable sweat odour, but there was a nice thing about her, she did believe in her words, in her business, in it’s benefits, and even, in technic, she wanted us to use at work.

Technic is called “The straight line” by Jordan Belfort. The idea is, that a whole sale goes as a straight line. You make the call, and close the deal without any objections, using the backward planning. That’s mean, that complaints make a crooked line, and seller needs to answer the charge before returning the buyer back straight.

The director offered us to watch a video lesson, introduction to this technic. The bad thing of it was it was Russian and a lecturer was like a grown-up chav, asserting, that not words, but intonation make sense in this type of conversation. It seemed, he hadn’t even thought for his diction problems, or his attemts of demonstrating “miracles” of intonation(that he called, tonality, in fact), that made a half of listeners misunderstanding his words.

So, I feel confused, as usual, about this technic for kindergarten and about the idea, that this work can possibily be temprorary and make me unemployed again.

