How a Recent Grad Hustles to Find a Job They Actually Want

Heidi Rivera
Don't Panic, Just Hire
2 min readNov 29, 2016

It’s been a rough couple..

I am ashamed to say this but MONTHS of continuous job searching and searching and searching. Then, interviewing, interviewing, interviewing. Then, waiting, waiting, waiting. Then, oh yeah, REPEAT.

I’ve done plenty besides online apps too, career fairs, networking, cold calls to organizations, and even some in-person walk-ins.

But, I’ve learned how to pick myself up or at least trying to along the way from this rut by taking myself out of my comfort zone to start something fresh and new.

My bio says multi-potentialite for a reason because I’m someone with too many interests to count; so I’m kind of all over the place. Finding a job I actually want is alot of work. But I’ve taken a step back to re-evaluate my own interests through more career exploration. Pero how?


1. Use extra time for CREATIVE projects

This doesn’t have to be some extravagant piece painting a sculpture or mural on your wall. Walk into a gallery/museum and take it all in. This is for your own personal gain.

Everyone loves to do or be a part of something in the creative arts. For me, its music or dance. I love to pick apart a new album from a discovered artist or known loved artist. I listen to it track by track and witness myself learning more about the artist from their music. I picture a dance in my head based on the rhythm and sound of each song and see what messages can be portrayed through it.

2. Find new people you haven’t met yet

I think strangers have been more willing to help me than people I’ve known since I was in diapers. Its weird but true for me at least.

Talk to people who aren’t in your normal circle.

Talk to people (message on LinkedIn) professionals in your area from an industry or job you would like to learn more about.


Hold yourself accountable, it can get easy being complacent. If you set a strategy and write out goals for the week, month, end of the year it will help motivate you to stay on task to focus.


I came across it while browsing through career events on EventBrite. Contacted the organizer, set up a time to meet, talked, and boom I’m part and still part of The Niche Movement — a community helping young professionals ‘like me’ find their goals to reach their career potential! I’m currently helping organize the conference later in March 2017. I’ve discovered a new interest for the start-up community a met some interesting people along the way!

I feel confident in my job exploration and my curiosity to learn is only growing.



Heidi Rivera
Don't Panic, Just Hire

muses. stories. insights l multipotentialite in the making.