How We Used Typeform To Reduce Our Recruitment Time Drastically

Dhimant Parekh
Don't Panic, Just Hire
2 min readOct 3, 2015


At The Better India, we’ve been looking to hire awesome people (which company doesn’t want awesomeness?) and one of the ways we start this process is by putting up job descriptions on various online locations — LinkedIn, job portals, our own job section and our Facebook & Twitter streams.

The Downpour of Applications

We end up receiving almost a hundred applications for each job role and the problem then is — how do you reach out to every one of them and ensure that you’ve filtered out the relevant applications?

The Earlier Process

Earlier, I would email each of the profiles that I liked and request for a time slot for a telephonic conversation. On an average, out of a 100 applications I’d find about 20 relevant or interesting enough to pursue. Then I’d schedule phone interviews with each of those 20. In almost all those 20 phone calls I’d be asking the exact same questions. 20 calls, with each call lasting for half an hour, is about 10 hours. Add 15–20 minutes to the process of scheduling, confirming, following-up for each of these interviews and you are looking at a total of around 15 hours being used as part of the initial screening.

Enter Typeform

Typeform is essentially a form creating solution that you can use to design forms and collect responses. And here’s something you should know - they make forms look really, really cool. Way too cool in fact.

So, here’s what we did — in stead of asking the same questions to 20 candidates, we put those questions in a form and sent out the links to those 20 candidates.

Here’s the form we made for a graphics designer opening. TIP: This requirement is still open, so feel free to fill it in case you are interested.

And here’s the form (closed now) we had made for our social media requirement.

Time taken to make the form? 15 minutes. Time taken to email to all 20 candidates? 20 minutes. Total time: 35 minutes. Time saved from the earlier process: 14 hours 25 minutes (or, in other words, a whole lot of time!)

Plus: Candidates get the time to fill these forms at their own convenience! Do note that this process works best for an initial screening. There are many scenarios where speaking to the candidate (via phone or in person) is a necessity.

Want to know more about what we are doing? Read this. Want to get in touch? Follow @dhimant or @thebetterindia

