Job Seeking Tips I Learned from T-Ball

Jose Watson
Don't Panic, Just Hire
3 min readMay 17, 2016

This year my 5 year old played t-ball for the first time and I had the privilege to help coach the team(AKA herd cats). Our goal for t-ball is to help every child learn the basics of baseball. We practice skills like how to swing, throw and run in the correct direction. During the games it’s almost comical to hear parents and coaches, including myself, repeat the same things over and over.

“Elbow up!”

“Put your glove on!”

“Stop playing in the grass!”

We are all trying to prepare them for the time when t-ball changes from having fun and learning the game to having fun and being competitive. The same happens in our careers as we enter the job market. Here are some tips to being a successful job seeker straight from the most common phrases I hear on the field.

“Get in your stance!”

This is where a great hit starts. Feet shoulder width apart, back elbow up, hands up and back, knees slightly bent and weight on your back leg ready for that power swing. When entering the job market you have to have a good stance. Have a resume that is keyword driven, applicant tracking system friendly and tailored to the position that you want. Prepare your responses to the common interview questions and have that outfit that amplifies your confidence. Research the companies and direction you want to move in before you swing.

“Eye on the ball!”

Whether you are at bat or in the outfield you have to keep your eye on the ball. The moment your eye leaves the ball you risk missing out on a winning play. Job seekers should have that same focus. Keep your goal in your line of site. Learn new skills that are moving your glove to catch your career. Grow in your current position that will hit your next career move out of the park!

“Follow through!”

In your swing your follow through gives your hit maximum impact. What happens on my t-ball team is the kids stop their bat right when they make contact with the ball. They lose all the force they have built up in their swing. Many job seekers will simply apply online to positions and wait but you need to follow through. Yes apply online but follow up with phone calls or emails to hiring managers. Don’t depend on online job boards, reach into your network, start a dialogue and follow through on potential leads. After all your job search is in your hands.

“Run! Run! Run!”

Hitting a ball doesn’t mean you score, instead you have an opportunity to score. The same concept applies to job searching. An interview doesn’t mean a home run! Don’t stop your job search after an interview! You have built up too much momentum. Keep searching, applying, and interviewing and slide home once you have the job offer.

Job searching will have it’s up and downs. You will strike out and hit a few fouls. You will make solid contact on an interview and get tagged out. Just get back in your stance, keep your eye on the ball, follow though and keep running!

Happy Recruiting,

José Watson

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Originally published at on May 17, 2016.



Jose Watson
Don't Panic, Just Hire

Recruiter with @LoweCareers | Eternal optimist | Apprentice of Social Media and Recruiting | Proud husband and father