Make People Like You Instantly!

Sreejith R Menon
Don't Panic, Just Hire
3 min readOct 20, 2016

Make people like you even before you open your mouth! Are you astounded? Did a thought just flash through; I can’t get people like me even after talking for hours and you are telling me, that could happen just with body language? Well yes, I know it is hard to digest. We people just don’t talk, we communicate to each other. We send across sublime, subconscious signals that ‘influence’ people around us and their behavior towards us.

Human mind is highly judgmental. Knowingly or unknowingly we tend to make assumptions about people and situations around us. And we do that in split seconds. There is nothing bad in doing so; the judgmental instinct has actually kept us surviving till now, evolving from apes. It’s advised to observe this instinct and vibe but never act wholly based on it. That being said, let’s make a conscious effort to understand few of those techniques that will let people like you instantly.

Feel secure and Project confidence. This is of prime importance. You got to feel secure in the situation amongst people. Once you start owning the moment, you will project great confidence and that positive vibe will be echoed. A proper turn out, a comfortable wear and a confident look can make all the difference.

There are no strangers: Only friends, help and respect them. We know that smile is the shortest distance between two people. Oh yes! What is there to lose if you give out a smile? The same is true with respect. Nobody should be made feel unimportant. Also, if you see an opportunity to help them, just don’t hesitate. Make them feel that you’re happy to help. Don’t pretend!

Posture, Walking & Greeting. Ideal standing posture would be, feet as wide as your hips, relaxed shoulders, head a bit high, little bit of tension on your core. When you sit up straight, don’t droop down and go small. Keep your back straight but stay relaxed. While walking to a group, move around with confidence, make eye contact, radiate positivity and feel happy to meet them. You could wave to your imaginary friends! Now that you are in the group, don’t lean against any object while talking.

Do not stand covering your chest with your hands, don’t slouch or hands in the trouser pockets mode. Lean a little against your conversation partner; it signifies interest, comfort and confidence. Now comes handshake. Don’t offer your hand, remember it is team work. Ideally, use the pressure you would generate while grabbing the stick of a heavy pan; but don’t squeeze. While you shake hands, make eye-contact and say ‘Hello, how are you doing?’. Make them feel they made your day!

The face you make can be crucial. Your face is the hub of sending signals to others. The muscle movements make facial expressions, along with your voice and body movements can do wonders in getting the message conveyed properly. People tend to have a neutral face; I would say, have a happy face, a smiling face. People have this habit of looking away when the other person tries to make eye-contact. Keep eye contact and smile.

Golden rule — Mirror ‘their’posture. This has been proved correct a lot of times after constant research and has a scientific basis to it. It makes people feel more comfortable around you and like you way batter if you stand the way they do. Are they standing on their right leg, do the same. Are they holding a drink on the left hand, hold your drink on the left hand too. Don’t try too hard and make it obvious. This technique can be used in an unobtrusive manner, but frequently for great results.

I am sure, on reading this article most of you would have landed up in a dilemma. Ain’t manipulating our body language bad? I would say yes too. We have this innate tendency to picturise manipulation as bad. But it could be positive; ‘influencing’ for good can never be bad. People with bad intentions are bad! Positive manipulation and self-correction for the better is always good.



Sreejith R Menon
Don't Panic, Just Hire

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